Monday, February 28, 2005

Another Prayer for my Sweet Wife...!

Today is my 20 Month Anniversary....! Isn't that awesome...? In four more months I'll have been married for 2 whole years...! With that in mind I just want to give thanks and praise for my marriage and for my wife, Monica. She's been working extra hard the past few days preparing for the visit of her son Connor and her Mom and Dad. Everyone's coming here for Spring Break.

So we've been working literally round the clock to effect some home repairs we've been procrastinating on.... And while I'm used to pushing myself hard to meet deadlines and time restraints I'm concerned for Monica to do that, especially with her pregnancy.... She was up this morning at 3:30 AM and we went to bed at 11 PM last night...!

I just want to lift her up this morning that she is able to go back to sleep later and that she doesn't run herself down too much. I guess I should really be praying for myself in that regard, too but I know that Monica will be praying for me throughout the day, too so I'm just going to devote the morning to her prayer needs.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for another awesome day. Thank you for Monica who is already up and working in the office right now. Lord I ask for your blessings on my sweet wife. Don't let her push herself too hard. Guard her health and keep her safe. Bless her projects today and let them all come to completion quickly.

Thank you for my marriage, Lord. We are strong in You, Christ Jesus. I pray for a lifetime of good and happy months like this one. I pray that our marriage light shine brightly and provides a role model and an example of Your will in action. When I was growing up I didn't have many role models for a Godly marriage, Lord. And I just Praise Your Holy Name that My wife and I are one in faith in You.

Father God, I ask for blessings on Monica's parents as they drive here to Houston from California. Long trips like that are difficult for them but the do it because they love us. Thank You for their Love, Lord.

And Most of all thank You for Your Love, Lord. God You are Love. And You loved this world so much that You sent Your son to die for our Sins. Blessed is He who take away the sins of the world....!

Father I love You. I Praise and Worship You. I dedicate this day to You My King. In Jesus' Name I pray,


Friday, February 25, 2005

TGIF Psalm 150 Verse 6

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord...! Psalm 150:6

If You want a spiritual Pep Rally read the book of Psalms. I've really tried to kick my daily bible study into high gear lately. And Fridays are definitely my Psalm days. You'll find every range of emotion in the Psalms. Today I focused on the very last verse of the very last Psalm. It is a Psalm of Praise....!

Today is Thank God it's Friday. So I try to to not be so petitious today. I just like to mainly give thanks and praise today. (is 'petitious' a word...?) Oh well, You know what I mean. I try not to ask God for so much on Fridays. I like to just take a little time to reflect on all my blessings.

I'd have to say that God's greatest blessing to me is my wife, Monica. I am so thankful that the Lord has given me a partner to share life with. Someone who knows me better than anyone and still loves me. She's someone who I can definitely turn to 24 hours a day with anything on my mind. My wife is my spiritual partner. No one prays for me more than my wife does.

We can face any crises together and it only makes us stronger. When one of us is feeling weak the other is strong. We lean on each other in the Lord. Yes, The Lord has blessed me abundantly...!

I can be thankful for many things. But I am most thankful for my sweet wife. The Lord is Good and I do Praise his Name...!

Heavenly Father,

I thank You today for the blessing of my partner in Life, Monica. I praise You Lord that in Your abundant mercy you have given me such an awesome helpmate and soulmate. Jesus, You have given me such a good life. I shall never complain or despair. So many in the world have so much less than I.

My only petition to day is that You help me a good steward of your blessings. Help me to be the best Husband, Father, and Family Leader that I can be and let my Faith Light shine brightly where there is darkness.

Lord, I am totally blown away by Your Goodness. I do Praise You, Lord. I Praise You everywhere. My life is a praise testament to You, My King. And my Love for my wife is in honor of You who joined us together. To Love and Honor Monica is to Love and Honor You, my Lord.

Father, Thank You for the blessing of my wife, but most importantly Thank You for Your Precious Gift of Salvation. It's because Your precious Blood was shed that I am even keying in these words. Your unselfish act of Love gave light and life to this dark world. Lord Jesus, I love You...!

I pray these things and give Thanks and Praise in Your Holy Name, Amen.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Philippians 6-8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally Breathren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
Philippians 6-8

This has always been one of my favorite passages. Here the Apostle Paul is in Jail and he's writing a letter to the church instructing and encouraging them to think positively about their circumstances.

The first phrase of that passage really grips me. Be anxious for nothing. When I was young I was anxious for nothing. But as I've grown up and shouldered more responsibility I find myself anxious much of the time. Anxiety was modeled for me greatly by my Mother. But my Mother didn't have the relationship with the Lord that I do. She didn't have the kind of supportive spouse that I do. She didn't have the awesome church family that I do. I've got many advantages that my Mom didn't have.

At least I'm recognizing my anxiety problem and trying to deal with it. Paul tells us to give it to the Lord in prayer and thanksgiving. We must acknowledge our issue and verbalize it to God. Not so He knows, but so that WE know exactly what our circumstance is. Then we need to thank God for our trouble. Is that right...? Yes, because troubles and difficulties shape us and change us and make us stronger. Troubles also draw us closer to God. If we give it 100% to God then Paul tells us that God will Guard our hearts and minds. And the battle starts in our minds.

Lastly Paul tells us how to think. He tells us what we should be thinking. He doesn't want us to dwell on the negative issue after we give it to God. We are to focus on the 'Good stuff'...!

I've made it my routine to try to count my blessings on a regular basis and not let my mind dwell on the negative issues for too long. Although I am constantly aware of the Providence of God, I try to devote every Friday to counting my Blessings and Thanking God for being the Awesome God he is...! While I realize that today is Thursday, I thought I'd just get a head start on tomorrow.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I struggle with anxiety. I used to be such a laid back person. But that was really before I had a strong relationship with you. Why is it that I have trouble now in my later years...? I think it's because now that I am fervently seeking you that the Enemy has really started to work harder at making me stumble.

Lord, I just give these feelings of anxiety to You. My financial issues, career issues, time management issues... I give it all to You, My King.

Father, I want that peace that surpasses all comprehension. And I pray that You will Guard my mind and heart from iniquity. And as the apostle Paul suggests I will endeavor to fill my mind with good and righteous thoughts and things worthy of excellence.

Lord, Your Word is such an encouragement. Thank You for the Bible and the surrendered lives of great Christians like Paul of Tarsus. I am truly blessed. And Lord I want to be a blessing to others. What ever is your will, my Lord. I am Yours. I love you Father, And in Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

In Pursuit of Excellence

I was tuning in to the radio broadcast of Insight for Living this morning and Dr. Chuck Swindoll was discussing the book of Colossians. That's interesting because I was studying Colossians a few days ago. Chuck reminded us that all the work we do should be done for the Lord our God and not for men who would be satisfied with mediocrity.

Chuck was making an appeal to excellence. Why do we settle for the less than our very best in anything...? It all boils down to personal discipline. Mediocrity has no place in the Kingdom. Half hearted efforts belong somewhere else.

Is this a call for perfectionism...? Not exactly. But is is a call to give one's best effort. How can we claim to love God and not give him our absolute best in everything we do...? God wants our best. He requires it. To give less than 100 % in any endeavor is to dishonor the Lord our God.

Dear Lord, You gave us Your Best. And because of that precious gift, we may dwell with You in Heaven forever. Help me to always give my best. Help me to be 100 % authentic in my relationships and encounters. The life of a Christian is a light in the darkness. I pray that this light shines brightly for all to see. Help me to day to do everything I do as if I'm doing it for You, Lord. Even when my best effort is not required, let me establish my best as the standard.

Father God, Thank You for my blessings. I am the recipient of an abundance of Amazing Grace. Lord, I love You and I give this day to You. I want to be a witness to all within my sphere of influence today. Father please bless my encounters and season my words with the salt of Truth.

I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Read the Book

OK, I never got back to my bible verse yesterday so as I'm composing today's devotional I'm thinking I need to pray for and lift up the weary this morning. That was me yesterday. My schedule keeps me run me down all the time. Yesterday at 12:30 PM I was working on responding to some email messages and I was overcome with weariness and had to lay down for a while. I ended up taking nearly a hour-long nap. I awakened feeling more refreshed and went on about the rest of my day.

I realize how blessed I am that I have a couch in my office and can just lie down if I need to. Not many other men have that opportunity. Nearly every man I talk to tells me they are over worked and tired much of the time. I think that is how the enemy keeps believers from reaching their potential in Christ and non believers from even hearing the word at all. We're just too busy.

And I've been struggling with 'busy-ness' for years now. But I'm convinced that if I'm going to be 'busy' then I'm going to be busy doing the Lord's work, and learning and growing in Him.

I'm going to be 40 years old in October and I have yet to read the bible completely through, cover to cover. Yet I've devoured more fiction and non fiction novels than I care to admit. What has this got to do with being tired and weary, you ask...? Well, I think it's a priority issue. I say I love God but I don't read his book. If I died today I think God would ask me incredulously why I couldn't finish his book in 40 years...?

I'd say that working all the time, not really getting ahead, and being tired all the time is God's way of saying: You're going about this all wrong, Coach Sam. But I'm stubborn. I haven't listened. I'm really a very hard headed man...!

But today I humbly submit. I'm going to stay busy, but within sane parameters. I'm going to get the sleep I need and I'm going to read and study the scripture faithfully....! I'll just keep praying for God's blessings and He will sustain me...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, I'm feeling Broken today. I've been feeling Broken for sometime. Just Run Down, Weary, and Tired. I need Restoration. I need Your Grace and Mercy. I am such a poor steward of my time. Please Lord, I want to change that. I want to have my priorities in order. I want to live 100% committed to You. I want to live a life truly surrendered to your will, Lord. I want to be obedient to Your Word. I have a thirst and hunger for more of You my Lord and Savior!

Help me to be disciplined to read, study, and meditate in the scriptures daily. Help me to pray without ceasing. Let me be in a constant state of worshipping you just with my lifestyle, Lord.

Oh Heavenly Lord, I lift up other men just like me. Men who know of You, but don't really know you intimately. Men who are still trying to steer their own ship, instead of letting the Divine Pilot take the wheel. Lord, I lift up men who are too busy with the wrong priorities. Men who are tired all the time. Weary Men. (and women)

Lord, thank you for the bible. Thank you for an instruction manual to everlasting life. Thank you for the salvation in the blood that was shed. Father I do Love You. And I give this day to you for your Glory and Honor, my King.

In Jesus' Name I Pray,


Monday, February 21, 2005

Colossians 2:7

Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the Truth. Col 2:7

Ponder that verse. Meditate on it for awhile. It's highlighted in Day 22 of the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.

This week I am working on diving deeper into the Bible. Colossians 2:7 is my theme verse. I want to draw closer to God. I want nourishment. I know I need to read and study from the bible more. I've been feeling great conviction in that regard lately. But I also know that I can't function on only 4 hours sleep a night... I've had a long weekend and am going back to bed for an extra hour's sleep.

Please check back in early this afternoon for the completion of my daily devotional.

Coach Sam

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Prayer for Television Content

I don't watch the 'Simpsons' I'm really not into watching hardly anything on TV. But I read a recent report that the cartoon series 'The Simpsons' recently aired a show promoting same sex marriage. Yes, Gay marriage is legal in Springfield.

Is that the kind of content our cartoons have sunken to...? I'm thoroughly disgusted. I'm really not into watching hardly anything on TV. Instead of calling it Television I like to refer to it as Hellvision. And this latest episode of the Simpsons confirms my suspicions.

The report did say that some of the characters on the show were against the issue but that's beside the point. It's just another way that America is being de-sensitized to the issue.

I believe that same sex marriage is an abomination. Homosexuality is a sin. But I want to make it clear that while I don't condone the action I do care about the sinners. I care about everyone's salvation, not only gays, but murderers, thieves, liars, adulterers, etc... We are all sinners. Everyone has fallen short of the Glory of God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, television has changed so much since I was a kid. It used to be so much more innocent. Now I am afraid to to turn it on without constantly having my senses assaulted. Today I pray for the writers, producers, and television executives of the Simpson's and other TV shows that show questionable content. Change their hearts, Lord. Let them know a closer relationship with you and be put under conviction of their feelings. Help us to clean up the air waves. Shows like the Simpsons Gay Marriage Episode undermine impressionable young minds. Older minds, too are desensitized by the constant barrage of sin that has become common place on television.

Help us to turn off the tube, Lord. I call for more quality family time rather than mindless worship of pop culture. I call for more clean, family shows to be aired. I believe there can be a good quality story without sex, profanity, and violence. Or at least there can and should be more stories where good clearly overcomes evil.

Father, this world is slipping down, down, down... Help me to be a light shining in the darkness. Help me to be salt to a world that has lost it's flavor. Help me recognize opportunities where I can be more like Jesus and less like Sam Chadwell.

I love You, Lord. And I give my life to You. Today, and every day, Father. Oh Holy Lord, thank you for my blessings. My wife and baby, my brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ, my career, and thank you for the opportunities you afford me every day to influence others for Your Kingdom.

Father God, I worship and adore you. And I pray these things in Your Son's Name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Sticky Situations

Many times Christians face trials they don't deserve. You'll hear one testimony after another that a person found Christ and their life improved dramatically, and it also got a lot more difficult at the same time. I am/was one of those who cry out a lot: why me, Lord...? Have I done something to deserve my situation...?

Well, Dr Charles Stanley tells us in his series on 'How the Truth can set you Free' that God likes to place Christians into sticky situations so they can let their life shine in the darkness. As Believers in Christ it is our duty to influence the world for God's Kingdom. The Lord will give us Grace to endure.

Brothers and Sisters, If you are currently facing a crises that you don't understand just keep drawing close to God and he will draw close to you. I'm praying for you. And likewise I ask for your prayers in return.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the Grace to carry on. Thank you for the sticky situations in life. Lord I love to just give you thanks and praise, especially on Fridays...!

My life is definitely not completely in order in every department, but Father God You Reign Supreme in my life and are Lord of All! I know I am abundantly blessed...! I thank you for my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ and pray for all who are facing difficult, tricky situations in their life.

Lord, just thank you for my life. Thank you for my health, my career, my sweet wife with a baby on the way.... But Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You most of all for going to the cross for the sins of the world. Because You overcame the world I can have hope for tomorrow.

I love You, Lord. I give my life to You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Prayer for National Security

I was watching the news this morning and it seems that some nuclear material is 'missing' from Russia and it's feared that terrorist have it and their intent is to use it on the US. I would just like to pray for our country today. I want to pray for the leaders, the soldiers at home and abroad, and the citizens of the United States. Some say that It's only a matter of time before another Terror Strike occurs... Well I suppose that could be true. But one could say that about anything. But there's no denying the power of prayer so let's join together in lifting our Nation up today.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray today for your continued blessings on America. Lord, protect us from our enemies. Father, change the hearts of our adversaries. Change our hearts, too. Let our country draw close to You. Let the body of Christ in America influence our nation through acts of grace and mercy and bathe this country in constant prayer.

Protect our Soldiers at home and abroad. Give our leaders your wisdom to rule and make good and just decisions. Lift up John Negroponte to accept the President's nomination as National Intelligence Director. Raise up more Godly judges and politicians. And I pray that the message of Eternal Salvation is delivered to every corner of our country. Father, help me do my part. Let me be a good steward of your blessings and present a strong witness to the world of what a true follower of Christ looks like.

Lord Jesus I pray these things in Your Holy Name, Amen.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Prayer Witness

On Monday Monica and I were eating lunch at a restaurant in West Columbia. We joined hands and bowed our heads to say a prayer before we had our meal. Towards the end of our meal a man came up to us as he was leaving the restaurant and said that he noticed that we prayed before our meal and he just wanted to thank us for letting our light shine.

It's interesting to note that many people are watching us all the time. This man obviously was a Believer and our public display of faith moved him so much to make a comment. We weren't going out of our way to 'witness'. Praying before our meals is a standard routine for us. But our prayers are never just a standard, rotely memorized phrases. They're always heartfelt, specific prayers for that moment. I wonder if any non believers noticed us praying? I wonder if that didn't make them just a little curious about a relationship with God...? I wonder if a back sliding Christian noticed us praying and it convicted Him or Her to get back on track with their own prayer life...?

Well, our motivation for praying isn't to be seen. It's communion with our Lord and Savior. But if a direct, public dispay of faith can make people notice, then that's a nice bonus that we weren't even trying for....!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I just want to thank you today for prayer. Prayer heals, prayer sustains, prayer lifts us up a step closer to you, Lord. Without prayer we would be missing our direct link to You...! Prayer can be a powerful witnessing tool. Thank you for the many facets and uses of prayer. I am so blessed to have my wife as my companion and prayer partner. And I was reminded yesterday while listening to a talk on the radio that prayer shouldn't be one way, we should pray with our bibles open so we can hear your response.

Lord Jesus, I need help opening my bible. As much time as I spend in prayer I just wish that I'd spend a little more in your Holy Word. That is my request today Lord. Help me make more time to read the bible. I want that to be a priority. But my days are already so packed with just trying to make ends meet that I often run out of time for other more important things.

Help me project an even stronger witness. Draw me closer to You. I love You, Lord. And I worship and praise You. I give this day to You Lord. And in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

Monday, February 14, 2005

21 Baptisms

Yesterday Clear Creek Community Church celebrated 21 baptisms....! Monica and I planned our day around the event. The custom at our church is to make a recording of the testimony of the person to be baptized and that testimony is aired immediately preceding the actual baptism.

It is so amazing to see the power of God at work in our lives and the lives of others all around us. -Especially young children...! It is both inspiring and humbling at the same time. Our God is such an Awesome God who changes lives....!

This morning I want to lift up those who were baptised.

Dear Heavenly Father, It was such a joy to be present for the baptism of 21 brothers and sisters yesterday. You are truly a God of Miracles and a God who changes Lives...! I thank You for Clear Creek Community Church Family and how it reaches out to be your hands and feet.

I pray for my brothers and sisters who have recently made their public proclamation of faith and have given their lives to you. Send angels to guard, guide, and protect them on their journey through life. Send mentors to instruct and disciple them in your word. Send role models that they constantly have an example to grow in your image.

Divine Master, I thank you for all that is good, right, and holy. I too, pledge my life to you. Today and everyday, I am yours. I give this day to you, Lord. -My desire is to Love and Serve You. I want to live my life as evidence that you dwell in my heart.

Heavenly Father I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Prayer for my old church family...

I've been thinking a lot about Church in The Heights lately. Division in that church was the reason I started this prayer journal long ago. I hope and pray that things are better there now. From what I've heard, they have a new pastor and things are improving. Wounds are healing. Monica and I are back attending Clear Creek Community Church which was our church home before Church in the Heights. Even though it's nearly a 40 mile commute we feel that's where God wants us to be.

Still, I have not stopped praying for CITH and would like to lift them up now.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Church in The Heights. It has weathered many storms both physical and spiritual. I pray for the leadership of that church. Guide them and sustain them through the rough times ahead. Lift up Pastor Rick and his wife as they minister to the flock. Please lift up Curtis and his family, too Lord.

I pray that Church in the Heights flourishes in an area of Houston that desperately needs the healing grace of salvation. I pray for the music ministry there and for it's leadership. I especially pray for O.D. James, one of the kindest, gentlest, sweetest men I've ever met. Lift up the orchestra at CITH, Lord.

Father I just thank you for my time at CITH. It was a time of seeking and growth for me. I certainly learned a lot about church politics when I was there. I learned a lot about my marriage, too. I met many nice people who I now count as treasured friends. Although things didn't work out as I had hoped they would, I do count my time there as a blessing.

I want to pray for the former church staff at CITH, also... Dr. Wisdom, Joel, Jeri, Beverly, Damon... Father I pray they are growing in You and still influencing others for your kingdom.

Lord, I love You. I praise and worship you. I give this day to you, Lord. Thanks for letting the sun shine today. Thanks for your Son...! Thank You for the incredible gift of Salvation.

Lord, in Jesus' Name I Pray, AMEN.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Let's Not Forget the Tsnuami Victims

There has certainly been reduced TV coverage of the Tsnuami victims but we should not quit praying for them. I'm trying to make that a regular prayer topic daily. I was just thinking yesterday about the enormous number of lives that were effected by the tragedy. It's staggering. This week I'm faced with the possibility of losing another one of my pets and I can't imagine the pain of losing a family member.

This also brings to mind that I need to just keep being thankful because although my life has presented me with some challenges lately, it's nothing compared to what others in the world are facing or have faced.

Dear Lord, I can't explain why I am so blessed to have been spared the kind of tragedy that was experienced in southeast Asia. But thank You Father for your Grace and Mercy. Today I present to you the Tsunami Victims. Send your Holy Spirit to Comfort them. Send Angels to minister. Let this be a great opportunity to witness your Love. I pray that old families are restored and new families are started. Bless the aid workers and all those involved in the relief effort.

Father God, I have many prayer requests today but this is at the top of the list. Thank you again Lord for your many blessings. Thank You for your Love and your protection. And thank You for Your precious gift of salvation. I love You Lord, and I give this day to you.

In Jesus' Name I Pray, AMEN.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Exactly What I Needed

A good friend of mine has a web ministry . He does a lot of online counseling and publishes a daily thought for the day email. I have been behind schedule reading my email. (I receive an enormous amount of email daily...) I just read his message for February 2. It was exactly what I needed to hear today.

I was so impressed with it that I've copied and pasted it below...

Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually. Psalm 71:3

I will tell you this plainly...If you desire more of God; you will meet resistance. That does not mean you cannot have more of God( because you can have as much of God as you want ) But there will always be resistance from the enemy in doing that. Someone put it like this: "New levels, new devils." I believe that. But I also believe this: New levels, new devils.... New place--->More Grace! Do not be offended if... When you seek to devote more time to God, warfare around you accelerates.

There IS a place of REFUGE! But listen...A refuge doesn't automatically erect itself around you; you must seek it out and run to it for shelter. God's Word says there are two things we can count on in Hebrews 6:18 1. That God does not lie. And 2. That there is a place of refuge. "so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us." (--Hebrews 6:18 NAS.)

Today; let God be your refuge. Oh Lord....I am about to be consumed---I run into You! Hide me! Thank You Lord, that You are my refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. ( Psalm 46:1 )

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, You are My Shelter and I run to You. You are my refuge, my Savior. I know you will care for my needs. The Enemy is definitely working over time on me. Praise the Lord that I am being lifted up in prayer by many even as I write these words.... I thank you for good friends. I thank you for my spiritual brother in Christ, Glenn. He has prayed over me many times and has always been a source of guidance and wisdom.

Father, you orchestrated my opening of that email today, just when I needed it the most. You are truly an awesome God...!

Lord, once again I love you, I praise you, and I worship You...! In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN...!

Mid Day Praise Report

I was having a bit of an emotional crises this morning but a few hours I started feeling a little better. I know my wife has been praying for me, and no doubt many others have lifted me up today already, too. But anyway, the power of prayer is so awesome...! I'm already feeling better.

Dear God... Just thank You for being an awesome God....! I can do anything through you, Lord. You are my Rock and my Fortress. You sustain me, my King. I give all the praise and worship and glory and honor to you, Jesus. Thank You for prayer and thank you for once again hearing my prayer. You are a merciful and gracious God...!

Everything I do today I do in your Name, Jesus Christ. I love you, Lord. I am your humble servant. Amen and Amen.

Prayer for Procrastinators

What are you giving your life to? Let me tell you something, given in the context of Grace and Love. If you decide you are going to live for worldly things, If you sow into the wind, you will reap the whirlwind. -Dr Ed Young... Houston's Second Baptist Church

God's word sets the standard by which we should live our lives. How am I shaping up in regard to God's word...? I'm lacking. Oh I spend time in prayer daily, I read a few selected daily scripture verses every day, but is that enough...? I don't think so...

Many times I feel like I'm sowing into the wind as Dr Ed Young says. I'm feeling weak spiritually today. I was going to get up early this morning and go to a men's group in Clear Lake at 6 AM, but I stayed up too late last night working on the tournament and watching a movie. When my alarm went off at 4:30 AM this morning I just shut it off, turned over and went back to sleep. My wife even encouraged me to go but I told her I'll wait until next week.

Procrastination. That's me. I've got several issues I'm procrastinating on right now. Why am I procrastinating to read the bible...? I don't know. I believe that I'm under a severe spiritual attack these days. So I'm taking extra time today in prayer and fasting. I have to get out of this spiritual state I'm in... Please Prayer Warriors, lift me up in prayer when you can today.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I need You Lord. Oh How I need You. Father God, I am sorry for my sins. I know you went to the cross for me, I know you forgive me, but I seem to have difficulty forgiving myself. Help me forgive myself, and get on with a life of worshiping and honoring You.

Help me defeat procrastination. Help me to be a true man of action. Help me make some sanity out of my insane schedule. Lord, I'm even having trouble praying today. So I'm asking others to pray for me that you will just hold me up, lift me up. I know you will. I know that everything will work out for good, but I'm just weak today. Give me strength. Give me courage. Give me willpower to over sin and procratination. I can't do it on my own, but in you I can do anything.

Lord, I just lean on you today. Father, I love you. Of Course, I tell you that every day, yet if you examine my life closely you won't see my light shining as brightly as it could and should. I worship you with my words but what I I need to really worship you with is my life. Help me really live a life of authentic worship. A life of love. That's my desire. And I believe that's your desire for my life.

Father, I just rest in you. Thank you for canceling my sin debt. You paid it long ago. Yet I've been holding myself in bondage with worldly living. Well today I finally lay that down. I lay that at your feet. Today I give up worldly living, unforgiveness, and procrastination. Today I'm taking the narrow path. Today my light will shine again. It was almost burned out but in you it's burning brighter now.

Jesus, I pray these things in your Holy Name, Amen.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Prayer for my Afternoon

It's a big rainout today. I'm about to call and touch base with all my students and do a little marketing for upcoming programs. Although I hate getting rainouts sometimes they are good to allow me time to regroup and get caught up on things that get behind schedule. But this weather's starting to really affect my income. I need to have a good day of visiting on the phone.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the rain, Lord. I know that it's helping someone, somewhere. Father I pray that I reach a lot of clients on the phone this afternoon and although today is rained out, I pray that I can get them interested in a lesson this weekend or am successful in signing them up for my spring break camp in a few weeks. Father I just ask that you bless my time on the phone this afternoon.

Lord, I love You and I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayer for those burning with anger

Well, I prayed for Pastor Bruce and he wasn't even giving the sermon yesterday. It was Pastor Greg Poore. He gave a great sermon, too. I should have prayed more for the entire Pastoral staff at church, but for some reason I just felt the need to pray for Bruce. He has been asking for prayer a lot lately. Our church is undergoing a huge expansion and I know the pressure must be tremendous. I didn't ask where Bruce was yesterday, but I hope he was off relaxing a little. He deserves it.

Now what's going on with me right now...? I've really been struggling with anger lately... That is so unlike me... I need to chill out. I guess I've been letting the pressure of various situations get to me. I definitely can't keep on getting angry at my wife who really has nothing to do with the cause of my anger. Poor Monica was the recipient of several little Coach Sam 'tantrums' yesterday. I'm afraid that I'm turning into my parents. My Mom used to worry all the time and my Dad had a huge anger issue. I can't let that happen. If I can see it coming I can jump out of the way, right...? Well, it doesn't seem to be that easy. I don't think I can do it on my own. I know I can't. God's definitely going to have to help me on this one.

I don't think anyone grows without making mistakes. The bigger the mistakes then the more one grows, unless they are in to making excuses. Well, no excuses here. I'm in the wrong and I want to fix it. Is anger healthy...? Can it be justified...? How are we supposed to behave in the face of injustice? I remember that Jesus got angry one time when a market was set up inside the temple. That seems justified to me. But the bible doesn't record any more instances of Jesus dealing with his anger. Instead it looks like he showed love and compassion in situations where other less perfect individuals would have shown anger.

Well I think I just described myself pretty well. I'm most definitely 'less than perfect'. It's good that I'm not God, I'm definitely not up to the task of perfection.

Dear Lord, I need you this morning. I'm spinning out of control. I feel I'm under a huge spiritual attack. I'm suffering from anger and anxiety. But this morning I'm taking time to regroup, to gather my composure. I just want to spend time in your presence. Your presence is Holy. Your presence is healing. Your presence is comforting. Oh Divine Master, I am such a wretched, tortured soul at times. Only You can make me whole. Only You can ease my pain.

Father God, I put my faith and trust and hope in You. You, who suffered and died for my sins so that I might live with You in Heaven for eternity. You Lord, are Love. Help me to be more like You. I'm seeing another side of me and I want nothing of it. I want to be more like You, Lord. Help me to have more compassion, help me to be more patient. Help me to be more understanding. Help me to have empathy. Help me to not show prejudice. Help me be all about love.

And let that love spill over into everything I do and to everyone I come in contact with. Father, make me an instrument of your peace. Lord, I can't do it with out your help. I am so weak in the faith department. But I know that You can make me strong. Help me cope. Help me deal with my sticky situations better. Help me be a man after your own heart.

My Lord and Savior, You are everything. You are everywhere. You are the most powerful force in existence. I lay down face forward in your awe and majesty. I submit myself to Your authority, Lord. And I love You, my King. My life is in your hands.

Father I lift up myself and others like me who are struggling with anger, anxiety, and other faith issues. Heal us and make us whole again.

Thank You my Gracious God for hearing my prayer. And Thanks for your precious gift of salvation which I humbly accept... In the name of Jesus Christ I Pray, Amen.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Prayer for Pastor Bruce

I have just a a few short moments before church this morning and I thought I'd just lift up my Pastor in Prayer. Bruce Wesley is the Senior Pastor at Clear Creek Community Church in League City, Texas. He is a great shepherd to his flock and we love him.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for Clear Creek Community Church and thank You for Bruce Wesley. Lord I ask you to season Bruce's words with the Holy Spirit this morning. I pray that his words speak to each and every one of the attenders, especially to the seekers visiting today. Lift up everyone involved in the service today, The traffic people, the greeters, the ushers, the music department, the sound department, the PeeWee volunteers. Father, Just bless every aspect of this service today.

Father, lift up Monica and I, too. Help us be a blessing to others today and every day. Lord I love You. And I give this day to You, Lord. Thank You for your precious gift of Salvation.

In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Prayer For My Enemies (and Myself)

Calling someone my enemy is a little harsh, I know. I personally don't think I have any true 'enemies', but there are definitely some people out there who I love less than others.

There are people out there who definitely annoy me. People I may not even know personally. You may be the same way. How about the person who cuts us off in traffic...? Rude drivers annoy me, and they drive my wife absolutely crazy. People in the service industry that give poor service drive me nuts. It's difficult to be polite and nice when someone is rude to us, or someone shows a careless attitude or work ethic.

How about when a close friend or member of the family lets you down...? They're certainly probably not your enemy, but you might be harboring temporary feelings of anger or grief towards them.

I have people in my own industry; tennis coaching, that I'd prefer not to be in the same room with. But I'm getting over that. I realize that I have an opportunity to let the light of Jesus shine in this or that particular situation.

Its' been a difficult transformation for me, but I'm learning to just give those situations to the Lord. And I had originally intended to pray for God to change my enemies. But after meditating on the situation a bit, I wonder if I'm not really the one that needs the attitude adjustment...?

If I respond with love in the first place and don't allow myself to be over taken with negative emotions perhaps my actions will provoke a different behavior from the targets of my dislike?

God is Love. And if I want to be more like him, I do believe that it's me that needs the most changing. So I must pray for myself this morning, too.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for those who I don't particularly care for. What ever they have done to anger or hurt or offend me, it doesn't really matter. I still have plenty in my life to be thankful for. Help me to let go of the anger I'm harboring. What would Jesus do...? He'd just forgive and forget. He'd love them.

Father, I don't want to publicly list those who annoy me, but you know who they are. I lift them up to you, Lord. Heal these relationships, Jesus. There is no time to hold grudges. I don't want to be the kind of person that can hold a grudge. I think that my heart needs the most work.

So lift me up, Dear Jesus. Forgive my sins. Cleanse me with the blood of Salvation. I want to walk in peace and sin no more. I love you, my Lord. And I offer this day up to you. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Thankful... That's Me...!

Hmmm... Well, I normally start out my Fridays with Thanks and Praise. I really try to limit my petitions on Fridays. That's part of my 'Thank God it's Friday' routine. I figure that I'm asking God for things all week long. I can devote at least one day to primarily just thanking and praising him and counting my many undeserved blessings.

First of all, I have something big to be thankful for this morning. I got up early thinking I had to be at a meeting at the Woodlands at 7:30 AM but I just discovered that the meeting is actually tomorrow. So I have an extra hour...! I'm glad I took time to really read my brochure a little closer before I headed out the door this morning...! I'd say that is a blessing...!

I stepped on the scales and my weight is still not down where I want it to be. In fact, I've already gained a pound from last month. That's definitely not the direction I want to go in the health and fitness department. But I can definitely be thankful that I do have an abundance of food at my disposal. Most of the rest of the world doesn't have that luxury. I never have to want for a meal or snack and there are people all over the world in poor countries who are starving right now. My big deal in light of that fact is to try to be a better steward of my body and to not let any food here go to waste.

We just had yet another big car repair bill earlier this week. Thank God that Monica's parents helped us out a little on that one. In fact, they've helped us out a lot lately. Words can not begin to express the gratitude I have to them for helping us. And I know that ultimately their help is God's blessing, too...!

Our baby is developing nicely in Monica's stomach, and Monica is feeling good. She's getting caught up on her art projects and feeling very creative these days. And more people are starting to inquire about commissioning her talents. That's a HUGE blessing. THANK YOU, JESUS....!

I'm blessed with plenty of work, myself. I'm having difficulty keeping up with everything at the moment, but I am keeping my head up above water....! Really, Life is good. God is blessing me far beyond what I deserve...!

After you read this journal I urge you to reflect on your own situation. Even areas that you might consider to be a thorn might not be so bad when compared to what's going on in other parts of the world. Always keep that in mind. If you have your health, if you have someone here that loves you, You are blessed. Jesus loves us. He died for us. There is no greater blessing than that...! And I always like to stand on God's promise that he will never leave us or forsake us...!

It will all work out for good according to God's will. We can't always see that, but it will.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, I just thank You and praise You for being such a good and mighty and all powerful, infinite God. You have been so good to me, Jesus. Your gift of eternal salvation alone is much more than I deserve, yet You have also blessed me abundantly in many other different ways, too.

Thank you Lord. I want to turn those blessings back to You and be a blessing to others. I pray today that others reading my column today will inspect their own lives and realize that they too are blessed if they live in America. Father, thank You that we live in Freedom. Thank You that we live in safety. Thank You that we live in comfort. Thank You for the personal relationship that You yearn to have with each of us.

Thank You Lord for the Body of Christ, my fellow believers. Thank You for prayer, dear Lord. Where would we be if we couldn't connect to You any time...? Thank You for your promise to never leave us or forsake us. Oh God, You're just an awesome God...!

I love You, Lord. And I give this day to You. I thank You that I have a tennis conference this weekend where I can interact with others in my profession that might not have a relationship with You. Season my words today that I might plant a seed in someone's heart. That's my one petition for the day.

Father God, I Truly Praise You and Glorify Your Name. And in Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Prayer for My Child

Monica is 15 weeks along in her pregnancy and we have our second doctor's appointment today. I was thinking last night to pray for the baby. I can't believe that I haven't made that a regular routine until now. I have definitely been pondering parenthood a whole lot more lately. And I plan to bathe this baby in prayer constantly from here on out.

Dear Heavenly Father,

God, You are the God of Creation. You are the Author of Life. You have already numbered the hairs on my baby's head. Today I want to lift up my unborn child. I pray that the baby is healthy and developing normally. I pray for a safe pregnancy for Monica. Bless my wife and Baby, Lord. And bless me to be the best daddy. I pray that You always be the center of our lives, Good and Gentle Jesus.

This child will know you as his or her Savior. Our relationship with you will always be the centerpiece, the focus of our lives. Thank You Lord for this Baby. Thank You for my family.

You are an awesome God, a great big God...! And I love You, my King...! I give this day to You, Lord. In Jesus' name I Pray, AMEN.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Higher Calling

Dr Tony Evans said something Monday that really convicted me. He asked how many of us spend more time thinking about money than thinking about God...? How many of us think more about making more money than winning more souls for the Kingdom..?

I know for me, I'm definitely thinking more about money than Kingdom work and I'm feeling very ashamed about it. I'm trying hard to just trust God to bless and provide for me. But I keep slipping into thinking if I just work harder I'll have what I want and need financially. In the past God's blessed me numerous times even when I didn't deserve it. And then just recently it occurred to me that I'm never going to 'deserve' it. Everything in life is God's blessing. Sometimes we are fooled and deceived into thinking that we achieve things under our own power. That's just not the case.

The most precious blessing is the gift of Salvation and no one deserves that...! God is a good God, a loving God, and a generous provider. But he can also be a wrathful God. We must love God and Trust God, yet fear and respect God at the same time. And we mustn't worry about money. We mustn't worry, period. And we need to mind how we spend our time. Me...? I'm working on being more 'Heaven Minded'

Tomorrow we'll take a closer view of what that looks like in real life.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I love You Lord, And I lift my voice to worship You. Father I need forgiveness today. I'm guilty of worry. I'm guilty of spending a majority of my time in worldly pursuits and selfish desires. I want to be about Kingdom work. I want to be about doing your will for my life, not pursuing that which is fleeting.

Father I'm at war with the flesh. I need You. I need Your strength, Your wisdom, and your courage. Help me to more like You, Lord. Help me to be a blessing to others. I pray I don't miss any opportunities that you lay before me. Keep my eyes open and my heart tender, Lord.

I just give this day to you, Jesus. And in your Holy Name I Pray, Amen.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Prayer for Today's Youth

It can be quite depressing sometimes to witness the behavior of kids these days. Many seem to have a general lack of respect for themselves, for others, for everything. What's the cause of this...? Absentee parents..? Television...? The internet...? Certainly, any and all of the above can be attributed.

As a coach, I work with kids every day. I'm very blessed in that nearly 100 percent of the kids I see on a regular basis are 'good' kids that want to play tennis and are generally well behaved.

When I do get the occasional discipline problem I try to take special care to handle that child in a way that changes their life for the better. Tennis has a rich history of sportsmanship, honor, and good manners. (also known as etiquette) Leave out John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors. They were not good examples of behavior although no one can deny their talent in the sports arena.

Of Course, not everyone has that kind of world class physical talent. And I'm certainly not in the coaching business to find the next Wimbledon Champion. But I do hope to turn out great human beings.

I know that it starts with me. I've got to be the kind of person I want the kids to grow up to become leaders in society. If I don't show respect, how can I expect the kids to show respect...? If I'm not honest, how can I expect honesty from the kids? If I'm not patient, how can I get others to show patience...? They're not going to learn it from pop culture.

So today, I pray for today's youth. And I pray that God will empower adults and older youths to make a difference in their lives.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, you said that we must become like little children to enter the kingdom of God. But something is happening to kids these days. They are being poisoned by a society that doesn't know you. And how are they ever going to know you...? If adults don't take an interest in our kids then this country is finished. This world is falling apart and the future is in the hands of the youth. But the youth are growing up without positive, Godly, role models.

I pray today for children all over the world. I pray for their parents and the adults in their lives. I pray that patterns of disrespect be turned around. I plan to keep making a difference, one life at a time. I pray that you always keep my heart tender and my eyes open to opportunities for service and ministry. And Dear Lord, I pray that you raise up others to join this effort.

I thank You Lord for giving me a heart for service. I thank You for all the young people you have seen fit to trust in to my influence. Lord, I thank you most of all for the precious gift of Salvation. Father I love You. And in your Son Jesus Christ's name I pray, Amen.