Tuesday, November 26, 2013

James 1:27 -What is 'pure' religion...?

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.  James 1:27

I love the bible.  And if you are like me you love the bible too, and you know the bible speaks different messages to us during different seasons of our lives.   Two books I have been focusing on lately is 'James' and 'Psalms'.
James 1:27 really stands out to me because I have many fatherless and widows; within my sphere of influence.   I believe that that the phrase 'fatherless and widows' does not necessarily refer to orphans and women whose husbands are deceased.

I know of many circumstances in which parents are divorced and the children's father rarely if ever spend time with their children.  The family may be 'intact' yet the daddy is merely a financial provider and is not present in the day to day lives of his family.  (That's how I grew up).   And I am also aware of situations regarding a daddy or husband actually preceding his wife and children in death.   

If I am aware of a need, the bible clearly calls me to action in this matter.   Then it also tells me to keep myself 'unspotted' from the world.   No wonder the world hates the bible, particularly the King James Bible.

There is much we could draw from the word 'unspotted'.  We could substitute the word 'undefiled or uncorrupted' here, too.   Friends, this world is broken and corrupt.  The bibles tells us this world is 'passing away'  1 John 2:17 and 1 Cor 7:31.    But how can we keep from getting caught up in the world?  More important: How can we keep our wives and children from being caught up in the world?

Well, a good start is spending dedicated time in the WORD  Isaiah 26:3 and in prayer.  Phil 4:6-7

Friends, we have an enemy out there seeking to devour us and our families.  1 Peter 5:8    Will you stand with me?

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your precious holy word that breathes life into those who would have life. Lord if we search the scriptures, You WILL speak to us.   Lord help us to diligently seek you.  Be our shield, our mighty fortress, our buckler against the wiles of the enemy.   The world would have us and our precious families.  Help us to stand in the gap for those we love.   

Father help us to recognize opportunities to stand in the gap for the fatherless and widows.  Lord help us to remain unspotted, undefiled, and uncorrupted by this wicked world we are called to be in but not of.

I thank you Lord for like minded Godly men and women.  Thank you for my precious wife and sons.  I pray a hedge of protection around them all.   Thank you Lord that we have each other.  And I thank you especially for your son, Jesus.   I pray these things in His Holy Name.
