Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Spiritual Warfare: What does the bible say about Satan...?

My study this morning looked at what the bible has to say about our enemy, Satan. Here is some important information about the wicked, evil, ruler of this world:

  1. Satan is a liar. He is the author of the first deception ever recorded when he convinced Eve to eat the apple. Genesis 3:13 He is the Father of lies and deception. John 8:44
  2. Satan is a counterfeit God. He would be like God. That was the cause of his fall from Heaven in the first place. He was jealous of God, and was cast down. Isaiah 14:12-15
  3. Satan is defeated, conquered, and judged. Although he is the present ruler of the world, he is already defeated because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Christ will come again and kick Satan out of here once and for all. John 16:11
  4. Satan is very Strong, But in Christ We are stronger. Satan is much stronger than we are on our best day under our own power. But Satan is no match for God, though. God created Satan and maintains dominion over him. When we claim Jesus as our Lord and Savior and put on God's holy armor we are more powerful than Satan and can claim victory over him. Ephesians 6:10-20

Satan is currently the ruler of this world. He is prowling around right now seeking to topple the testimonies of God's children. Satan's reign on earth will not last forever, though. Christ is coming back to re-establish His Kingdom here on Earth and cast Satan into the lake of fire for his final death. Christ could come again at any moment. We must live in eager, watchful anticipation of Christ's return.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for Your Word, the Holy Bible. Lord You give us all the information we need in that book. The bible is truly life's instruction manual. I pray today Lord that more people pick up the bible and read it. I pray that they receive the message of salvation, Lord.

Lord I know many are deceived and living in darkness. Many think they have it all figured out and they don't. Many think that they know everything they need to know because someone else told them, but they themselves have scarcely cracked open the bible in their lives...

Father I stand in the gap for those lost souls this morning. I pray that they see Your holy light shining. Lord my eyes are being opened through this current study. Fill me up Lord so that I can pour out what You would have me pour.

I hunger and thirst for You, my King. I am Your witness. Lord I love You and give this day to You. I offer all that I have to You. I am nothing with out You.

Bless my day Lord. Bless my family. Let us be a blessing to the world. Father God I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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