Monday, June 12, 2006

Who To Intercede for Today...?

I very seldom awaken and have difficulty knowing what to pray about. But today is a rare morning. I got on my knees and thanked God for the day, but over all I've had trouble focusing my prayers this morning. Of Course there's regular prayer topics like friends and family but the Lord normally gives me specific needs for which to intercede.

Today I'm just going to let God be God and lead me. This morning I'll pray for those Divine appointments that I have no control over what so ever.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You are God of the Universe. You are Maker of all things. I stand in awe at Your wondrous creation. Father today I lift up all those who have trouble believing that You exist. How can they doubt a master designer...? And Father I pray for all those who DO believe in You but their lives don't always evidence that fact. (I suppose I'm in that category, myself).

Help Believers like me do more for the kingdom. Help us to be aware of the divine appointments that will come our way today and throughout the course of the week.

Father God, Thank You for my Blessings. Thank You for my awesome wife and kids. Thank you for the privileged life I live. Help me to never believe that anything I have is of my own doing. Keep me humble, Lord. Keep me close to you. Give me a kind, gentle, patient spirit.

Lord God I love you. I give this busy day to you Father, for Your Glory. And I pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

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