Monday, August 07, 2006

Negative thoughts...

I was planning on continuing my series on eternal life (and I will,) but this morning I came across a good article by Dr Stanley on what the bible has to say about negative thoughts.

In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul addresses the battles of the mind. He praises the church at Corinth for their mental successes, saying, "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing that raises up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). What does it mean to take a thought "captive"? It means we are to examine and compare each thought we have against the standard of thinking set for us by God.

The fourth chapter of the book of Philippians provides an insightful glance into the ideal state of mental "health" God intended for his children. Beginning in verse four, we're first encouraged to rejoice in the Lord always. Next, we're instructed to be anxious for nothing but rather to lift our concerns to God in prayer and supplication (v. 6). Finally, we're encouraged to dwell on the things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, excellent, praiseworthy and of good repute (v. 8). According to these words from God, is it acceptable to obsess over problems, worries, and fears? Absolutely not. Instead, we should leave our burdens with God and turn our thoughts to positive things.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, You are wonderful. Lord, You are marvelous. You are an awesome God...! Many times through out the day I stop in awe thinking about the complexity of all Your creation. During those times I just praise You and give You thanks. But many other times I dwell on something negative. I'll focus on some problem, or I'll think poorly of someone else. I know it is wrong to think that way, but it seems I'm catching myself more in the act of negative thinking than otherwise... Help me, Lord. Help me to hold these thoughts captive. Help me to dwell on good and pure thoughts. This negativism is truly a bitter poison that spoils my witness, and my life.

Father God I pray that my thoughts, words, and deeds honor You. Lift me up, dear Jesus. I need to be a good and strong witness to my wife and children. And Thank You for my family, Lord. Thank You for the blessing of a nice family day yesterday. I do feel refreshed and ready to dive into this new week.

Lord I do pray for the sale of our property on Arncliffe this week. Father, I lift up my foot injury to You this week as well. Lord I want to pray for peace at work. I lift up my co-workers. I pray for wisdom within the upper management. I pray that Your will be carried out here at Columbia Lakes.

And dear Lord, I pray for peace in Israel. If peace is possible Lord, let there be peace. You can do anything, Lord. It seems crazy, all this fighting and killing... Father God, I know many that are praying for this situation besides me. I trust You to work it all out in a way that only You Can. Lord I just leave this and all my other petitions in Your more than capable hands.

Lord I love You. I offer this day to You Lord. Let me not miss one single opportunity to show the YOU in me today. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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