Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Apostle Paul

What do we really know about the Apostle Paul...?

His real name was Saul of Tarsus. He was a tent maker by trade. He was very religious as a young man. He started out as a Pharisee, and was one of the greatest persecutors of Christians ever. But God used Him to begin a revival of unparalleled precedent.

I wonder if the Apostle Paul suffered from 'busyness'...? I think that possibly he did. Although he seemed to be completely busy being about the Lord's work. I'm wondering if there were moments when privately he wondered why God allowed him to go to prison...? God was definitely there working behind the scenes turning 'bad' situations into good.

I don't know. Possibly. But if God had not have slowed Paul down by placing him in prison the epistles might not have been written. And what about all the jailers and prisoners whom Paul witnessed to and converted...?

I think Paul was one cool character who didn't really sweat the small stuff. In Philippians 4:19, Paul writes: “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus...'

Paul really trusted God. He really loved God. What an awesome example Paul was...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I praise you. You are my King. You are the Creator and My deliverer. You have blessed me greatly. And I believe that you have a special call on my life and this family.

There is much going on with me spiritually right now. And my wife, well she's on fire for You Lord and I must say that it's contagious. Father God, help me to be bold like the Apostle Paul. Paul was always good at 'keeping the main thing the main thing'. He had a singleness of purpose, even before his conversion, he was at the top of his game as the most feared persecutor of them all.

Lord, I want to be at the top of my game for You. Let all my efforts today in every endeavor be done for Your glory. And let me not miss one single opportunity to witness for you, Lord.

Father God, I love You. I've been thinking lately about love and the depths of love. I know how much I love my wife and family... Especially little baby Elijah... That is as deep as I can physically love. Yet I know that the depths of Your love go way deeper than that. You are God. You ARE Love. Thank You Jesus for Your love that knows no bounds. Thank You for my life.

Help me to make the most of what You've given me. I'm leaning on You, Jesus. I know I can't get things done under my own power.

Father I give this day to you. Bless me and my day, oh Lord. Bless my family. Bless my business and the owners of the tennis club I work for. Lift up my students and their parents today, Father. Protect me and shield me from sin and temptation. You are my strong tower, Lord. You are my Fortress...! I am safe and secure in you.

Lord I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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