Saturday, February 23, 2008

Denying Self

In this morning's early light devotional Dr Stanley explained that at times we all wander from the Lord’s will. We might be drawn away by the glitter of material things, the temporary satisfaction of self-indulgence, or a desire to be part of the crowd. Whatever we hope to find outside of God’s plan proves illusive and temporary. Only by walking with Christ on the path of godliness will we find the security and contentment we crave. If you are drifting in your Christian life, allowing the world’s priorities to direct your steps, then you need to turn back. Jesus calls you to deny yourself and commit to following Him alone.

Deny Self.

Nothing holds more importance than the Lord. I remember a motto my grandmother told me a long time ago:

God First, Others second, Self last.

I've heard that motto since then from a number of sources. It's a good motto. It works.

If pleasing God is at the heart of the motivation for everything we do, things will go well.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I want to honor You. I am very sorry for my transgressions. Once again I have wandered. I have doubted. My mind has been divided. I don't want to be outside of Your will for one second.

Today You are FIRST on my list, my King! I love You Lord. I thank You for my life. I thank You for my wife and family. I thank You for my salvation, Lord.

Lord Jesus, I pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

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