Friday, April 25, 2008

Our Mission Fields...

Today I awakened early to spend a little extra time with the Lord. I don't know where to begin except that to say that God is doing a tremendous work in me right now.

I am truly thirsting for HIM. I can't put down the bible. I can't get enough teaching on the radio or in church. I want to turn every conversation into one of a spiritual nature. I see God's Glory in everything.

And God is giving me many many opportunities to impact the world around me. Today I have twelve new students in one of my tennis programs. Tomorrow nearly one hundred people are traveling to my tennis club for a tournament. After it's all over will they know that they have been in the presence of a Christian...? Am I making the most of my mission field...?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for this fire for YOU that is burning inside of me, Oh Lord let me be consumed by it. Father, I want nothing more than to serve You and tell others about You and what You have done and are doing in my life.

Father God You are bringing people into my life left and right on a continual daily basis. How can they tell that I am a Christian? Can they see You in me at all...? Oh I pray that they can.

Lord I pray for my many encounters today. Help me to present a strong, compelling witness for Your Kingdom Lord. Bless my time management, Father. Help me to make the most efficient use of the time You have graciously blessed me with.

My Jesus I thank You for my precious family. I pray blessings over them this morning, Guard their health and their sleep, Lord. Father I especially lift up Connor as he goes to school this morning. Public School has got to be one of the biggest mission fields in America and a cosmic battle is being lost for the souls of America's Youth in public schools as I create this post.

Every morning I send Connor off to school but I seldom pray for his witness. Today I specifically lift him up in that regard. Lord I pray that Connor sees an opportunity to impact his generation for Christ today and that his light shines brightly.

Lord I lift up my precious wife who is such a blessing to me! And Lord I pray blessings on my precious little Elijah. Guard his tender heart Lord.

I Love You Jesus. You are my EVERYTHING...! Apart from You I know I can do NOTHING. And I wouldn't even dream of trying to accomplish something under my own power any more. You are my King. You are my power source. Praise God I'm plugged in and turned on today.

Lord I definitely feel the burden to lift up my co workers today. I pray that those who know You sense the urgency to be a witness to those who don't. I pray for those in management to make wise business decisions today, and I pray for healing between parties who are not getting along with each other. Lord I pray blessings on all the Columbia Lakes staff. I know this is my mission field, Lord.

Father God I give this day to You, for Your Glory. And I pray these things in the power of the name of the ONE who SAVES, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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