Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nehemiah 9:30

During our recent Hurricane evacuation my family stayed in Dallas, Texas. While we were there we had the good fortune to attend Dr Anthony Evans' church in Oakcliff. it was a very moving experience. Dr Evans spoke about how God tries to get our attention with natural disasters like Hurricanes. He said that events like Hurricane Ike are great opportunities for Christians to show and share their faith by being the hands and feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He also noted that 'something's going on' when God just keep sending storm after storm after storm into our lives.

Dr Charles Stanley's morning devotional today sort of echoed that sentiment. He wondered how much time America had before God really began to exact judgment upon us. He said that although our God is a patient God his patience does have it's limitations. Neh 9:30 explains just that. I agree with both Dr Evans and Dr Stanley. Our world, and the United States in particular has fallen into deep moral decay.

The sad thing is that I feel I have contributed to the state of moral decay that America is currently in simply by sitting back and doing nothing. Dr Stanley says that as Christians we have a responsibility to influence government decisions in the directions of righteousness.

I am currently spending some concentrated time in prayer for God's guidance as I determine how to best stand up for HIM and influence those around me before we run out of time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sam!
Please, pray for Finland.
Finnish college gunman kills 10

Thank You for this blog.
God bless You and your family.
Regards from
Riitta & family
in Finland

Coach Sam said...

Dear Riita, Thank You for your comment. I will definitely pray for your special request.

Coach Sam