Wednesday, October 01, 2008

These Days Are Evil...

Is this a crazy time we're living in or what...? All we seem to hear about these days is that another bank or major corporation is failing. The daily news report is nothing but doom and gloom.

Well, I came across a nice story on this morning. It was a story of a husband and wife witnessing to a salesman. The scripture at the end of the story especially spoke to my heart:

Be very careful then, how you live— not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. -Ephesians 5:15-16

Don't You agree that these days we are living in are most certainly evil...? We must take great care of our behavior and of how we are perceived by the rest of the world.

Oh this verse is a very good one for me. I feel I miss opportunities all the time. And these days are not just evil, they are vile and despicable. Time is running out. I want to be found wise and making the most of the opportunities God sets in my path.

Stumbling across stories and verses like Ephesians 5:15-16 are very timely and no accident at all. It seems God is speaking to me daily. And here's what He's been saying:

  • Do not worry. Do not be anxious.
  • God is in control of every situation.
  • God will meet our needs if we trust in HIM.
  • God is presenting us with opportunities to share our faith all the time.
  • There is a sense of urgency that time short.

All I can do is try to make a difference in one life at a time here in my little sphere of influence where God has planted me.

I am very sensitive these days as to what God wants me to do with my life. I'll be 43 years old in less than two weeks and I have very little to show for my spiritual walk in this world. I believe that one day I will be standing alone before the throne of God and will have to give an account for all the time I have been given. -As it stands right now that would be an awkward moment for me...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord thank You for another day to make a difference in this world. Father I want today to be special. I don't want to just write about spirituality. I want to BE spiritual. Lord help me to act on some issues that I have only been thinking about lately. Help me to be a man of action.

How am I living right now...? Does my lifestyle reflect the fact that I am a child of God...? Help me make the necessary changes so that I can be held beyond reproach. Lord I want to honor You completely with my whole life. I want to give my utmost to You. I love You Lord. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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