Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hearing God's Voice...

In Dr Charles Stanley's Devotional this morning he discussed discerning God's Voice. The consensus is that God still speaks to His people and we must learn to hear His voice.

One way to miss His voice is to stay busy all the time. Even when one's 'busy-ness' consists of 'good works', there is still a limit to the amount of responsibility God wants us to assign to our twenty-four hour day.

Staying busy all the time definitely mutes the work of the Holy Spirit.

Another way to miss the voice of the Holy Spirit is to attach yourself to a spritual leader or denomination that does not follow scripture or who may add or subtract from the gospel. Of course, there is no way to know if You are being deceived about The Word if You are not in The Word, yourself.

I love the scripture verse John 1:4... Beloved, test the spirits, because many false teachers have gone out into the world....

Today I am praying for discernment to hear God's Voice. I am praying for sanity in an insane world. I am praying a hedge of protection around my family, myself, and my property today. I am praying for warrior angels to stand at all the entrances of my home today and keep away any wandering or evil spirits. Here is a great website I came across this morning regarding praying for God's protection. When you have a few moments, I definitely recommend browsing that site...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord God thank You for Your Holy Spirit that gives me discernment. Father God I thank You for the many obvious blessings in my life, especially my sweet precious wife and family. Lord I thank and praise You for my new employment venue.

My Lord and Savior, I pray for victory over the stronghold of busy-ness once and for all. Father God I pray that nothing would take priority or precedence over being in Your word and doing Your will.

Lord I pray for a legion of Warrior Angels to stand guard and form a hedge of protection around my family and I today. Father God, You are the Lord of my life and I Love You.

I give today to You Lord, and I pray these things in the power of the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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