Monday, September 21, 2009

More on Prayer

Are You Glorifying God with that word or action? -Col 3:23

Do nothing out of selfish ambition! –Phil 2:3

These two scriptures tie together some loose ends for me about prayer.

Anything and EVERYTHING we do should be for God’s glory. HE created us to worship HIM. I think that must include our prayer life.

Couple of Questions: What are you praying about? How are you praying…? Is God going to get the Glory for answered prayer?

Friends, I feel like God spoke plainly and clearly to me this morning at 4:55 AM.

We MUST do everything we do as if we are doing it for the Lord. This includes prayer.

WE should NOT be the main focus of our own prayer. We need to pray primarily for others. And others should be praying for us. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we should be lifting one another up. James 5:16 says pray for one another…!

This is how the body of Christ was meant to function…!

Matthew 18:20 says where two or more are gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them…

If we just pray by ourselves, and for ourselves, we are not only selfish, but we are also leave ourselves weak and vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Do you know what the bible says about ‘going it alone‘…? ‘…Though one can be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken…’ Ecclesiastes 4:12

The more strands in your ‘prayer cord’ then the stronger it will be to pull down principalities and strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4 says: …The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds…

I remember a conversation I had with a dear friend who was discipling me at the time. He had been working with me for about a year going through the bible and teaching me one on one. We prayed for each other a lot. And I remember distinctly one day him telling me that I needed to get away from ‘self-keeping’ and start focusing on others more in my prayer. I was completely self absorbed with trying to not sin and thinking about my own needs and concerns.

I understood what he was saying then, but I understand that concept on a whole different level now. –It only took about six or seven years…!

I’ll expound on this topic more in the future. But for now, please make sure that your motives in prayer are not selfish, and that when God does answer your prayer that it will advance the Kingdom.

Here’s another good link I came across about prayer, verses on prayer, and other prayer resources…

Have a great day in the Lord.

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