Monday, November 09, 2009

The Miracle Business

November 9, 2009

Is God still in the miracle business..?

Think about some miracles that have been recorded in the bible. The parting of the Red Sea, the saving of humanity and animal life on Noah’s Arc are two of my favorites from the Old Testament. The New Testament is full of signs and wonders from Jesus, Himself.

Why do you suppose the bible records these ‘wonders’…?

If you believe that the bible is the inspired word of God then you know for a fact that these events DID INDEED OCCUR. Now, the question I’d like to pose today is this:

Do you think God is STILL in the miracle business today? If so, then please cite some examples or praise reports…

My perspective is that I believe that God most definitely is still in the miracle business. The thing is that people are so accustomed to these miracles that they totally disregard that a ‘higher power’ is at work here.

Look at the AMAZING variety of plant and animal life on this planet. Is that not a miracle…? Look at the diversity of mankind and everyone with unique features, personalities, fingerprints, etc… Are those not miracles…? What about the fact that our planet is the only planet to sustain life as we know it. We’ve got this whole eco-system thing going here where pretty much every bit of life needs every other bit of life to survive, and it does. How can so many people refuse to believe in a Creator or the miracle of creation…?

Consider the complexities of the human body itself. All our organs ‘just evolved’…? Yeah, Right…! Every living organism is a walking miracle if you ask me.

But the bible speaks of, and I believe in supernatural signs and wonders, too. I’m speaking of miracle healings, and angelic visits, and other incidents that defy human logic. How about the countless miraculous life transformations that occur whenever a person really and truly accepts Jesus Christ as his or her personal savior…?

I have one of those kinds of lives. Maybe you do, too. When was the last time you gave your ‘conversion’ story...? When was the last time you simply turned a conversation to one of spiritual matters….? Who has the best shot at winning our family, friends, and neighbors to Christ? WE DO.

Friends, a life touched and changed forever by Christ is an awesome miracle and that story is worthy to be shouted from a mountain top, DAILY…!

Oh Yes, God has NEVER gotten out of the Miracle Business… It’s all perspective.

What do you think….? I’ve got more thoughts but I’m out of room today. I sure hope this topic stirs some discussion… Please be in prayer about how God wants YOU to affect those within your sphere of influence for Jesus.

Your Brother in Christ, Coach Sam

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