Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Breaking the Binds of Facebook...

Blogging used to be a way of life for me... Then face book came along and took my life and life-style by storm... Well, today I am going back to my first love: My Blogs. Oh, I am still going to utilize Face book, but as a means to publish my Blog Writings.

Face book is fun, but it is tedious to go back to previous posts. I like how a blog just lays out the thoughts in order of the days, weeks, months, even years.... I love to easily access the history of my thoughts.

History is important. Someone once said those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

I see that in the Bible, Big Time... The Bible is our greatest history book and our greatest resource for living. It's life's instruction book. So come to think of it, What percentage of Americans do you think cracks open the bible every day for enrichment?

I'll bet the number is staggeringly low... What percentage of those who proclaim to be Christian do you suppose crack open their bible every day...? The numbers are probably even more staggeringly low...

But how many people are on Face book EVERY DAY...? I don't know. But if face book and other social networks were 'religions' they would be the fastest growing religions in the world.

Face book IS the World. And it is a RIPE mission field.

Today I choose to be 'IN the world, but not OF IT'

Heavenly Father,

Today I repent from the many hours wasted on frivolous face book posts and games. Once again, I ask You to help me to manage my time better in pursuits that completely honor You and not spend the majority of my time fulfilling my own selfish desires. I want to live completely for You, my King.

Lord I pray for blessings on my house and on my day today. Please allow me to be a blessing to others in some way. Use me as You will. You are my Lord and Savior.

I love You.

In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

Monica Chadwell said...

Love this, Sweetie. I feel exactly the same.