Tuesday, November 30, 2004

PDL Lesson 13 Worship that Pleases God

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. -Mark 12:30

According to this scripture verse, which incidentally appears numerous times throughout the bible, God wants ALL of us. ALL our Heart, ALL our Soul and Mind, and ALL of our Strength.

He desires our full devotion and attention, not leftovers…!

We have to get our attitude right. Our hearts must be in tune to worship God. The bible says: ‘Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks to the heart.’
-1 Samuel 16:7

Key Thoughts in this Lesson:

Our biggest distraction to worship is ourselves. We sometimes let our mind wander, or focus on who we see in church, or worry about what others are thinking.
Many Christians are in a worship ‘rut’ because they use worship styles or devotional methods that don’t fit the way God uniquely shaped them.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to worship.
Worship Costs our Self centeredness. You can’t worship God and yourself at the same time.
Worship takes time and energy.
The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart…!

Nine Sacred Pathways to Draw Nearer to God:

Naturalists: Love God in out door settings.
Sensates: Love God with their senses, eyes, ears, taste, smell, and touch
Traditionalists: Draw closer to God through rituals, liturgies, and unchanging structure.
Ascetics: prefer to worship God in solitude and simplicity.
Caregivers: Love God through helping others and meeting their needs.
Enthusiasts: Love God through celebration.
Activists: Love God by confronting Evil and making the world a better place to live in.
Contemplatives: Love God through adoration.
Intellectuals: love God through studying with their minds.

Coach Sam’s Personal Application and Study Notes:

Today’s lesson really spoke to me. I discovered that I am very flexible in my worship style preference. I was exposed to the traditional style in the catholic church growing up. There is very much ritual and unchanging form and function to a Catholic Mass. In my early 20’s I started attending a Baptist Church. Their style and form was ‘traditional’ in it’s own way, but there was much more emphasis on a personal relationship with God. Later on, I attended a Lutheran church for several years. This church offered two worship styles: Traditional, and Contemporary. I appreciated the contemporary music more. For the past few years My wife and I have been attending a non denominational church in League City, and the worship at that church is unlike any other I’ve ever been at.

The point I’d like to make is that at each phase in my Christian life I was able to adapt and worship God in what ever Genre was available to me. Looking back I can see a definite progression. Different worship definitely appeal to different personality types and that’s because God made everyone different. It’s our job to find out our best worship ‘shape’ and give God all the Glory, Honor, Respect, Praise, and Worship that is due the King of Kings…!

And, another point I want to make is that I am in no way ‘bashing’ other religions or denominations. I just recognized perhaps why there are so many different churches out there. I never realized that there were 9 different shapes, or ways of expressing oneself to God. I actually identified with multiple shapes from that list.

I suppose that now after reading and studying chapter 13 of this PDL series that a person’s worship style and taste changes throughout seasons of their life. At least that’s true for me. It makes me a little more tolerant of other denominations and faiths than I once was.

Dear Heavenly Father,

There are many ways to worship You, Lord. Everyone is wired a bit differently in that regard. I appreciate the uniqueness and diversity you gave Your Body of Believers. Lord I thank you for my personal experience of many different worship settings. I better understand what it is to fully engage in authentic worship. To love You with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength is my greatest desire.

Lord Jesus, it is my prayer that everyone come to an understanding of their optimal worship style and experience a close walk with You.

Father, I love You. I give this day to You, Lord. I ask for your blessings and ask that I be a blessing to my friends, family, and everyone whom I influence today.

Lord I ask these things in Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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