Thursday, December 02, 2004

Pouring Yourself Out

What do You pour yourself out into...? For many it's work or career. Lots of people pour themselves into family... But is God at the top of the list?

The bible says: Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and all these THINGS shall be added on to You.

I remember to place God first about half the time. The rest of the time I end up getting side tracked and pour myself into meaningless things that are not going to last. Or, I lose track that I'm laboring to glorify God, not to pay my bills. My advice is to find some Kingdom Work to Pour Yourself into and just dive right in with reckless abandon.

I've had a revelation recently.

I'm really seeing things a whole lot differently now that I'm going to become a Father. For those of You who havn't heard, We found out last Sunday that Monica was pregnant...!

I'm got these next 8 months to prepare myself to be the best Father I can be. The Great Commission wold have us pour ourselves into the lives of others by sharing the gospel. This child's going to know Jesus . I didn't know Jesus until I was in my 20's. I can give my child a great advantage in life that I didn't have.

Anyway, those are my thoughts today. And my question to you is: Are you pouring yourself into someone's salvation...?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for granting me clear purpose. Lord, just help me to pour myself into Kingdom Work. Prepare and equipe me to minister to my son or daughter after they are born. Help me to be an awesome father, and husband. I want to glorify you in the leading and raising up of my family.

Thank You Lord, for my wife, Monica. She is a great help mate to me. She loves me and is always trying to make my life better. I especially want to honor her with my love. Lord I recognize Monica as a great gift from You.

Father I love You. I give this beautiful day to You. I am Yours, Lord. And I pray in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.

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