Tuesday, December 07, 2004

PDL Lesson 15 Formed for God's Family

The Family of God

This lesson is all about Family. The Chapter opens up with some poignant scriptures about family. Hebrews 2:10 states: "God is the one who made all things, and all things are for his glory. He wanted to have many children share his glory." We were formed to become a member of the family of God. Ephesians 1:5 says: "His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ, and this gave him great pleasure."

When we believe in Jesus and place our trust in him, then God becomes our Father. In the family of God, we are God's Children. All other believers become our brothers and sisters. The Church, in essence is our spiritual family.

How do we get into the family...?

We must be born again. This happens when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. "God has given us the privilege of being born again, so that now we are members of God's own family." 1 Peter 1:3

Being a member of God's Family has many benefits. The New Testament emphasizes our rich inheritance. "My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

On earth we are given the riches of His Grace, which include: kindness, patience, glory, wisdom, power, and mercy. Then, when we go to heaven at the end of our life here on earth we inherit even more.

God's Rich Inheritance Reserved for us in Heaven:

1. We get to live with God forever (1 these 5:10)
2. Our bodies will be transformed (1 John 3:2)
3. We are freed from pain, death, and suffering (Rev 21:4)
4. We will be given work to do in heaven (Mark 9:41)
5. We will share in Christ’s Glory (Romans 8:17)

Rick Warren says that this inheritance is what we need to live for and keep in mind, not retirement. The apostle Paul echoed these sentiments in Colossians 3:23-24: "Whatever You do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward."

This Chapter also emphasizes baptism. It describes baptism as our physical picture of spiritual growth. If you have truly accepted Jesus as your Personal Savior then you should be baptized. Baptism declares your faith, shares Christ's burial and resurrection, symbolizes the death of your old life, and announces your new life in Christ.

It is Life's greatest privilege to be born again into the family of God, be baptized in the faith, and live a life for Christ.

Coach Sam's Personal Notes:

I remember when I was baptized. It was October 1986 at First Baptist Church in Bay City, Texas. Sadly, no one in the Chadwell family attended the event. Because I was raised in a 'non-protestant' family I suffered great religious persecution for my beliefs. But praise the Lord for my church family that lifted me up during that time..! I have many fond memories of my two years at First Baptist! Still, I've always regretted that my own earthly family was so fragmented. I wish we were closer.

But now, nearly 20 years later I am married and about to start my own family. God is giving me the opportunity to have the family I didn't get growing up...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you Lord for my family. I didn't have the ideal family as a child and young man, but if I did then I wouldn't be the person I have grown become. I realize that's all in your perfect plan for my life. And I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to have my own family now.

I pray today that I become the best Dad and husband that I can be. Lord, I want to keep growing in you. Just give me a rich deep relationship with you that can be modeled for my wife and child.

And thank you Lord for my good friends in my church family, and all the believers in the body of Christ. And Lord, thank you for my eternal riches in heaven. I like what Rick Warren said about living our life for that eternal reward, not our retirement. Wow! What a concept!

Father God I love You. And I dedicate this beautiful day to You, Lord. In your Son's Name I Pray, Amen.

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