Wednesday, January 19, 2005

More Negative Thoughts...? Aaaagh...!

Sigh... I wake up early and the first thing I do in the morning is immediately go into prayer with my Lord. Before I even get out from under the covers I just Thank, Praise, and Worship Him. Sometimes, depending how tired and sleepy I am from the day before I'll stay in bed a little longer and slip into a dreamy state between praying and dozing off.

Then, when I finally do get up I have to go straight to my computer and check email messages, possibly browse a few headline links and then start to write in my journal. Some days are better than others, but today I've already had a few negative thoughts, and it's only 6:16 AM...! I realize that the devil is constantly attacking my spiritual life with reckless abandon. As much as I am trying to draw closer to God, Satan wants to separate me from God.

I need to go straight to my journal and leave off the 'headlines', that's for sure. I think a Christian has to do everything they can to insulate themselves from the world. We need to constantly bathe ourselves and each other in prayer and communication with Jesus Christ if we are to stay on the narrow road to everlasting life. God told us to be in the world but not of it. That's my burden, to not let this world drag me in. To NOT be a slave to money, or my career, or things.

Monica and I had a good talk about that last night. About making it in this world. About using our gifts to honor God. We want to be the best possible parents we can be now that God is blessing us with a child. And the way I see it, We've got about 6 months left to get ourselves together as best we can. I want us to be the parents God intended us to be. Of course I know we don't ever fully 'arrive' at a place of spiritual perfection, but I just want to be whole lot closer and grounded to heaven before the baby's born. I just want to be a better man. A better husband. A better coach. Just a better everything. And only Jesus can help me in those department. I can do nothing on my own.

I know I'm just rambling here but my mind is full of 'random' thoughts this morning. But it all boils down to the fact that I need Jesus. And Monica and I need Jesus. We need Him to be the Lord of our lives. We need to draw closer to him every day during this journey of life. We've got to go in there and 'Fight the Good Fight', and 'Run the Race to Completion' as the apostle Paul was fond of saying.

Lord Jesus,

I need You, Lord. My family needs You. It's not even 6:30 AM and I've already failed to keep my mind on of heavenly pursuits. Forgive me, Lord. And help me to forgive myself. I tend to get down on myself for mistakes instead of just admitting my short comings, trying to do better, and moving on. I dwell on the negative inwardly even if my outward appearance is calm and confident. Monica is the same way. We're too peas in a pod in that regard.

But Lord, I have no doubt in my mind that you brought Monica and I together. That each of our life experiences up to this point were preparing us for a life with each other, and now we have a precious baby on the way. I know you wouldn't make a mistake with a human life like that. We were meant to be parents and we are really called now to get our acts together spiritually for the good of everyone involved.

Father God, I just thank you for my precious wife and our relationship. Help us to help each other, To comfort and encourage each other better, and to draw closer to you in process. When we show our deep, abiding love for each other we are showing that love for you and honoring you. Help us to withstand the future trials we may face and let the troubles only make us stronger.

Divine Master, I just give it all to you. Thank You for this gift of life you've given me. I want to honor you with constant thoughts of prayer, praise, and worship. There's no room for negative thoughts, only edification. Lord, although I've already slipped in my walk early this morning I pray that you will set me straight and help me recover to have an awesome day.

I love You, Lord. You are Good. You are Great. There is no other like You. Sweet Precious Savior, I ask that you bless my day. Help me to be a blessing to others. Help me recognize my opportunities and to act immediately. Help me to do what you would do. I want to be more like You, Jesus.

And in your holy name I pray, Amen.

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