Thursday, January 20, 2005

Prayer for Frank

I have a friend who's in Iraq working as a contractor. He emailed me for prayer because two of his friends were murdered and one kidnapped yesterday. I know several other people who were over there for a little while but came home early because it was just too crazy.

Although Frank willingly chose to go into harms way I think he regrets it now. But he is too prideful and stubborn to come home. He says if he comes home early then the terrorists have won. That is his perspective. I share a different slant on that issue. I think there will be a time for guys like Frank to go over there but it's not now. It's tough enough to be an American Soldier over there let alone an unarmed American in Iraq.

Frank is my friend and I care about him very much. He is just starting to experience a relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm going to pray hard for his safety every day until he returns February 9. Please join me in lifting him up today.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We don't always know how things will turn out. I guess if we did, then life would be kinda boring, wouldn't it? We do know you work all things for good. That's Your mysterious way. Well, I want to intercede for my friend Frank today. He's just starting to know you, Lord. But he has a way to go. I thank You for allowing me to minster to Frank. And I want to see him grow in faith and love with You, Dear Lord.

I just pray for his safety. I pray for his courage. I pray for his salvation. Bring him safely home to those who love him and would help him to know a deeper understanding of you. Lord, I pray for the rebels and terrorists too. Change their hearts, oh Lord.

Father, I want to lift up everyone in Iraq. Bless our troops over there, the American soldiers. Bless this Iraqi people and their upcoming election. I was thinking the other day how awful it must be to be an Iraqi policeman. It seems every day we hear of them being assassinated. They are just trying to help rebuild their country. I pray for the Politicians over there, too. Let's have a good election and get the right people in office and really show the world that Democracy works.

Father God, I just put all those requests into your more than capable hands. Hands that created the world can certainly fix this situation.

Lord Jesus, I give this day to you. I love You, Gentle Savior. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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