Monday, March 14, 2005

Prayer for My In Laws

Arno and Judy are already on the road heading back to California. They have a long drive ahead of them. Judy has really logged in the miles this week, too. She went to Tennessee and back twice in the same week, as well...!

But it was a great visit. We enjoyed some really nice quality family time together. It was an experience that I don't have many or any childhood memories of. I'm glad Connor isn't growing up like I did. He's constantly surrounded by love and that's the way a kid should grow up.

Anyway, this morning's prayer isn't so much about Connor although he is always in my prayers. It's about Arno and Judy, my father and mother in law. They are such kind, gentle, generous people. They love us very much and are always there for us. I have always wanted to be part of a family like this. And now I am. And with Monica and I expecting a baby son very soon I have an opportunity to start a new family line. Our son will grow up in a family environment of love and kindness and gentleness all of His life. No matter what happens in the world, our son will know the joy and peace of a loving family and a relationship with Jesus Christ! Isn't that just awesome...? I'm so psyched about that...! So today is about thankfulness. I'm so thankful for God's blessings. And I just want to lift up Judy and Arno. I pray that God guards their health. I pray that they have a safe journey home. And I pray that they continue to grow in Christ Jesus.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord Thank You for this past week. It was just a blessed time of precious memories. A time of family. A time of love. I am so grateful to have awesome parent in laws like Judy and Arno. Bless them Lord. Keep them safe. I lift them up on their journey home the next few days.

Father God, every good and perfect gift comes from you. Thank you for precious family relationships. Thank you for my baby son on the way. I want to lift him and his mom up today, Lord. I pray that you guard their health and keep them safe and sound, too.

Jesus, I don't want to be selfish, but please bless me, too. I want and need to have a more manageable schedule. Some major life changes are in order before this baby comes. I just give that situation to you, Lord. I rest in You.

And this day, I give it to you, my King. Jehovah Most High. I love You. I honor and Praise Your Holy Name.

In Jesus Name I pray these things,


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