Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Praying to Know God's Will Some More

Today is the third installment in my review of knowing God's Will for Your life. I've been studying an article written by Dr Charles Stanley, a teaching pastor in Atlanta, Georgia. The first two posts included 3 of the 7 questions Dr Stanley recommends you ask yourself when trying to determine if you are within God's will. Today We'll look at question number 4: Do we have genuine peace about this...?

Colossians 3:15 says, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts." But what does it mean to have peace? Some people "Pray" about their decisions without giving God an opportunity to respond. They simply talk about their own desires and assume they have a divine go-ahead. But that is not seeking the will of God.

Dr Stanley says to know if you are genuinely under God's will, lay down at night before you go to bed, take a moment to be still and bring your concern to the Lord. If there isn't a ripple in your heart and your conscience and emotions are saying nothing but 'Yes', and you understand God to be saying 'Yes', then you have perfect peace. Should you sense anything else then you should stop and wait and pray about it some more.

Sometimes the timing is just not right. God will not give you perfect peace about an issue until the timing is precisely correct. It can be frustrating to wait sometimes, but think how safe we are as believers. God will never lie to us or mislead us. He will always lead us in the direction that is in our best interest, and we need to be wise enough to follow. He simply will not give us peace about something that is not His will.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You Lord for the teaching of Dr Charles Stanley. I wish I would have known what I know now when I was younger...! I have been searching for 'peace' in many situations throughout my life. Just help me Lord to be still and listen for Your voice. Help me to be patient, Lord.

Lord I just thank You for my family. Thank You for the freedom to raise my family any way I see fit. I will raise them up to love and serve You, Lord. Father God, I pray that this series touches many hearts the way it is touching mine. Lord, don't allow the enemy to sift me. Guard me and protect me and my family, Lord. We are strong in You, Jesus.

Lord I pray for the spiritual life of my family. Help us find a church home soon, Lord. And Lord I have many individual prayer requests to lay before You. You know my heart, and You know the needs of my friends. Father I just give it all to you. God I'm just going to let You be God.

You are an Awesome God and a Mighty God. You love me and You died for my sins for my salvation. You will not let me fall. I love You, Lord. I trust You. I seek to draw closer to You.

Blessed be Your Name, Jesus Christ. And in Your Holy Name I Pray,


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