Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Prayer for Surrender

I heard an interesting discussion on 100.7 FM KKHT Christian Radio this morning.

I've always prayed to be a committed Christian. That sounds good, doesn't it...?

Well, Dr Adrian Rogers of Memphis, Tennessee says that to be committed to something is to do it under one's own power. To totally surrender is to let God have complete control of one's life.

I don't want to be a committed Christian any longer. I want to be totally surrendered to Christ.

Dear Heavenly Father, You can have Your Way with me. I am Yours, Jesus. I surrender to You. What ever the outcome of my life, no matter where the path leads me, I am Yours, Lord. I am surrendered to You. Father, I know that nothing good can come from me. Only Good comes from You working through me and in me. Thank You for Your Grace and Goodness, Lord.

I love You and I give this day to You. Bless my schedule today. And allow my interaction to others be a blessing. Lord, In Jesus' Name I Pray,


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