Monday, June 27, 2005

On the Right Track

I'm making a concerted effort to dive in to the word this week. Oh I get bits and pieces of bible all the time listening to sermons every day, but my own discipline with reading the bible and conducting personal studies has been non existent. I want to walk as closely with the Lord as I can. How can he truly direct my path if I don't study his road map....?

Right now I'm reading and studying the book of Kings. This book contains the story of the prophet Elijah. I want to know this story forwards and backwards since we are naming our son Elijah. I'll try to have a full report for you in the next day or so. But meanwhile I encourage You my dear reader that if you are not already doing so, take some time today to study Gods' Word. Get on a disciplined bible reading plan and show God how much You love Him.

For me, I like to read before I go to bed at night so God's word is on my heart as I fall asleep. And I like to read in the morning to start my day because what better way to start one's day than by receiving guidance from the King of the Universe...? Plus, I always want to give God my best and I'm at my best physically first thing in the morning. Yes, I'm definitely a morning person...!

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God, I just praise You and worship You My King. You are so faithful, so awesome, and so wonderful. Lord You just spoke the universe into existence. You know all things. You surely know my heart, Lord. Search me and reveal to me my errors, my faulty thinking. I just want to draw close to You, Jesus. I want to be Your devoted servant. I want my house to be a house of God. Father let my witness be strong today. Let me not miss any opportunity to let my light shine for the kingdom.

Lord, I've been hearing much about Billy Graham on the radio lately. How he's in such poor health these days. I just want to thank You for him. For his strength and courage. For his witness. I pray for his physical comfort. I pray that he continue to be faithful to the end. I thank You for his witness. He has been a tremendous inspiration to me over the years. Listening to his sermons, his videos, and reading his books have helped keep me on the right track many times. Thank You for Dr Graham and all who Shepard your flock.

Father God, I love You. I just want to live this day for You. I pray that this is a God-honoring day. I thank You for my wondrous blessings. I thank You especially for Your Word. I thank You for the precious gift of salvation made possible by Your Sacrifice.

Lord I pray today in Jesus' name,


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