Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Finding the Time and Place

I was reading an article by Adrian Rogers first thing this morning and he reminded me of several important ingredients to a persons daily devotional. Here are a couple of them...

First of all, He said to find the proper place. We should have a time and a location where we like to pray. It can be anywhere. I like to have my devotionals early in the morning to start my day off right. My favorite place to pray is in my office at home. Many times my prayer time happens when I'm driving to work. That's less optimal because I have to concentrate on my driving and I don't like to divide my time that should be 100% devoted to God with anything else. I feel that I owe it to God to get up early and spend some time with Him.

Next, Doctor Rogers wrote about preparation. He said it's best to start out reading the word of God. Make sure that You have an easy to read version of the bible! Dr Rogers said reading the bible is the key ingredient to a successful quiet time with God. God wants to hear from us, but it's more important that we hear from Him. And his truth is revealed in His Holy Word. God does in fact, know everything. He knows or wants and desires. He knows our needs. He knows what we're going to pray for.

I hadn't given that much thought to the preparation of my quiet time. And I definitely don't make it a point to read scripture every time before I pray. That was a great article. It had 3 other points to make about one's quiet time, but these two are enough for today's post. I'll follow up with more of Doctor Adrian Roger's perspectives on quiet time and devotionals tomorrow.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Oh Great and Wonderful, Marvelous God... Victorious God... My Lord and Savior....! I love You Lord. I lift up Your Holy Name. Thank You Father for the inspiring words of Your faithful servant Dr Adrian Rogers. I pray that You bless him, his family and his ministry.

Lord, I want my quiet time to be as God- honoring as possible. I have been leaving out some key ingredients that has kept me from totally connecting with You. Help me in the area of bible study and the discipline of carving out time to spend in Your Word. I want to know You, Lord. I want to walk close with You. I want my life to evidence that You are my Lord God and Personal Savior.

I pray for peace. I pray for patience. I pray for understanding. I pray that my witness for Your Kingdom be especially strong today. Season my words and actions to be salt and light. Help me to recognize every opportunity that comes before me today.

Thank You for my family. I love, honor and cherish them. They are just a few of the many precious gifts You have given me. Lord, bless my son Elijah that he grow up strong in You. Help Monica and I be the Godly parents You've called us to be.

Father God I just give this day to You. In Jesus' Name I Pray, Amen.

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