Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Prayer for Getting back to Normal

Lord, I just thank you for sparing Houston to brunt of hurricane Rita, And I lift up the areas that were not as fortunate. Everything seems to be getting back to normal here in Houston. I want to lift up all the teachers and students who are going back to school today.

Father God, You are such a good God. It's so easy to focus on the negative and forget and take for granted our every day blessings. I am so grateful for all I have. And the privileges I enjoy living in America. I'm giving my first tennis lessons in a week and am happy to be going back to work. Thank You Lord that I have a job that I can impact people for the Kingdom. I pray for blessings on my lessons today.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for my family. I love my beautiful sweet wife and baby and stepson dearly. I pray for blessings on them, especially baby Elijah who has been feeling sick lately and Monica who has not been getting enough sleep.

Lord, I thank you for the beautiful house I live in. I am grateful to have a roof over my head. But Lord if You see fit for us to relocate then I pray for a speedy sale of this house. We would like to relocate to West Columbia but Lord we just leave all that in Your strong, capable, directing hands. We are ready to go where ever You lead us.

Lord God, I just want to get on a normal, sane routine. I want to have more time to spend with my family. I want to be a strong spiritual leader. By Your grace I will accomplish these things.

Lord I love You. I truly do give my life to You. I have your full armor on Lord. I am ready for the day. I am strong in You Christ Jesus, And I pray in Your Holy Name,


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