Monday, October 24, 2005

Giving Thanks and Praise on Monday

Well, I made it through the tournament this past weekend...! I'm taking the day off today. I have virtually no voice due to a prolonged sore throat but I can take the next day or so to rest up.

The tournament went very well. There were only a few minor problems, but they aren't even worth mentioning. The point is: God is Good...!

Thanks Prayer Warriors for all Your Prayers these past few days.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thanks for being my Rock. I truly can do all things through You. I believe that every good and perfect gift comes from You. Lord, You are my ever-present help in times of trouble. When I am weary I can rest in You. When I am happy I can sing Your name with praise from the roof tops..!

God, You are an Awesome God...! I Love You my Heavenly Father. You are always there for me when I need You. I sing Your Thanks and Praise today, My King.

I offer this day to You, Lord. Season my words to be salt and light to the lost. Lord I only want to serve You to the best of my ability and be a shining witness to my family, community, and the world.

I pray this prayer in Jesus' name, Amen

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