Saturday, October 22, 2005

Prayer For My Health

While I normally seek to pray for other's needs, I find myself being very 'needy' this morning. Indeed, it seems that I am the one in need of lifting up today.

I have been struggling with a severe sore throat for days now. My immune system is most likely worn out due to lack of sleep. Last night and this morning have been especially troublesome. And I have to run a tournament pretty much by myself all day today.

I have everything planned out perfectly and I don't expect any problems at all. It's just that I will be have to be under the gun and 100% focused on customer service for about 12 hours today... I just hope that my voice holds out and I don't run out of Kleenex...!

Prayer Warriors, please lift mine and my family's health up to the Lord this morning. And pray for a good tournament experience for everyone.

Thanks, Coach Sam.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for a well run tournament weekend. I pray for the players and parents that are travelling great distances to participate in my event. I pray for the umpire who is helping me this morning.

Lord, I especially lift up my own personal health to you today. As You know I've been over-working myself. I need to just lay down and rest Lord, but that's not going to be possible today. Father help me get through today and tomorrow. Guard my health. Especially my throat and voice.

This is all a means to an end where I can have a sane, God-Honoring life for myself and my family. Lord, speaking of my family please guard their health as well. Monica has been feeling poorly, too. Don't allow her to get sick like me. And I ask protection on Connor and Baby Elijah, too.

Father God, I will take better care of myself from now on... I'm sorry for wearing myself down like this, but I know You can heal me, Lord. I leave this in Your most capable hands, my King.

I love You Lord. And I am truly grateful for this day. I have an awesome opportunity to effect many lives for Your Kingdom. I pray for my witness this morning. Season my words to be salt and light. Oh Lord, this world needs more salt and light.

Jesus, I give this day up to You, for Your Glory. And I pray these things in Your precious Holy Name, Amen.

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