Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Prayer for Better Time Management

I suppose this is about the most busy period of my life to date... And it's more difficult than ever before to keep up with things and prioritize. My formula to cope with all this busy-ness is to try to say no a little bit more, to delegate responsibility when I can, and pray, pray, pray about it.

Dear Heavenly Father, the burden of busy-ness is upon my shoulders. Shield me from it's crushing weight, Lord. Help me to be descerning. Help me to be wise in my priortizing. Help me to operate within my spiritual gifts at all times.

Lord, I realize that my life is not my own. It is Yours. I live to serve You, Lord. And I serve You by serving others. But Father, I sometimes sabotage my own efforts by doing to much. I definitely sabotage my health by lack of sleep, long hours and irregular eating habits.

So Lord I thank You this morning for presenting me with all these opportunities to serve, and I pray for better time management that I might accomplish all you have planned for me to accomplish.

Lord, I love You and I give this day to You. And I pray these things in the power of Jesus' name, Amen.

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