Tuesday, February 14, 2006

God's Love

I haven't finished my thoughts on spiritual attack, but I have to pause that series to acknowledge Valentine's day.

Does anyone know the historical background behind Valentine's day? There are several stories floating around about it's origin. According to one legend there was a priest named Valentine who was imprisoned and sentenced to death for marrying couples after the Roman emperor had outlawed marriage. Before his death he wrote many letters to his friends and family and he signed them: 'Remember your Valentine Loves You....'

Other stories are similar and the main theme of them all is an emphasis on 'Love'.

There is so much commercialism of Valentine's day today, but it's still one of my favorite holidays.

And what a great theme, huh...? Love. It makes the world go around. And God is Love.

And God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son so that we might not perish and have everlasting life....

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your Love. Thank You for the sacrifice of Your son. I have a son now. And I love him very much. It's incomprehensible to think of laying down his life. Yours is an incredible, amazing love.

Father God, I do stand in awe at the bounty of Your blessings. You are the author of Love. I love You, Lord. And I give my life to You. Help me to be effective for winning souls for Your kingdom. It is my desire to faithfully serve You, my King.

I thank You so much for my sweet wife and family. God, You have been so good to me. Thank You my precious Lord and Savior. And I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen...!

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