Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Spiritual Attack: Distractions and Busyness

Dr Stanley's message this morning tied in with my my series on spiritual attack. He started out his discussion this morning by asking a simple question: How's your life...?

Jesus spoke of living and abundant life, an extaordinary life. Dr Stanley used Hebrews 12 1-3 for his illustration this morning.

...Let us put aside every encumberance and the weight which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith who endured the cross for our sakes. We must fix our eyes upon Jesus who endured such hostility lest we become weary and discouraged...

Sometimes we get distracted, busy, and we drift away from serving the Lord. Busyness and distraction are encumberances, weight, and snares from the Devil. Little by little we get out of the WORD, spend less time in prayer, and before we know it our life is off course and we are out of the will of God.

How do we get back on course...?

  1. Acknowledge you are off course.
  2. Repent of being off course. Surrender.
  3. Cultivate a strong determination to want God's Best for your life.

...Let us lay aside every encumberance and weight....

What is there in the way of distractions, allurement, and interests that keeps me from living a christian life...? Is Life revolving around the distractions or Jesus Christ...? Personal interests tend to choke out the will of God.

How do we get back on course and stay there...?

...Fix our eyes on Jesus who's the author and perfector of our faith....

You will not stay on course if you are out of the Word and off your knees. When you read His Word you feed your spirit. You feed your soul.

What keeps us on course...?

  • Seeing Him
  • Focusing on Him
  • Keeping our eyse on Jesus
  • The awareness of His spirit
  • Forsaking distractions

Set aside disciplined time each day to deepen your relationship with HIM.

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