Monday, February 06, 2006

Spritual Warfare

My topic this week is spiritual warfare.

My friends there is a battle of epic proportions going on all around us every day, 24/7. The Evil One wants to torment and distract the saints and render them ineffective for the Kingdom of God.

I feel that my family is under a severe spiritual attack at the moment. Why does this happen...? I think it happens because We make a difference in the lives of others. We pray. We give thanks. We reverence the Lord Jesus Christ and Satan can't stand that.

Satan wants to discourage us. He wants to keep us busy. He wants to keep our focus on our problems. He wants to keep us from achieving God's best and His will for our lives. And I believe that the more committed we become to Jesus then the more committed Satan will be in regard to waging war against us.

Yes, the going gets tough at times. But our God is Tougher than anything. And if our God is with us then who or what can stand against us...?

Nobody. Nothing.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I lift up my family to You this morning, Lord. I lift up my wife who is weary this morning. I lift up my little baby who is getting over his first cold. I lift up my 13 year old step son who is going to public school. I pray that His Christian Light shine brightly today and that he stand strong against peer pressure and the worldly culture out there.

Lord, I pray for myself today, too. Help me to be wise. Help me to be obedient. Let me be a good witness today.

Father I pray for others today, as well. I pray especially for the lost. And I pray for the saved, but spiritually dead. Father if I can impact others today with a kind word or deed please help me to recognize the opportunity to shine for You.

Lord I claim the promise that You will never leave us or forsake us. You said that Your Grace would be sufficient. I rest in You and Your word, my King.

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

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