Monday, May 15, 2006

Prayer of Thanksgiving

This weekend was an awesome weekend. The tournament on Saturday went well. Mother's day was spectacular. Now I'm looking ahead to the new week and all I can think of to do is just to give thanks and praise to my King....! Lord I want to honor You in every detail of my week this week.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord God You are my King. You are the ruler of my life. Father God, I love You. I humbly thank You dear Lord for the fabulous weekend. Truly Lord, I am humbled in Your presence.

You are Great to be Praised. There is none other like You. You are my God, my Lord, and Savior. Jesus, I am not always faithful to You. But You are ALWAYS faithful to Your People. Praise Your Holy Name.

Holy Father, Matthew 22:37 says to Love You with all my heart, soul, and mind. That has long been one of my favorite bible verses. Father I just pray that You help me to Love You more. I especially struggle with loving You with my mind. My mind wanders, Lord. And it sometimes dwells upon negative thoughts. Help me hold my thought life captive, my King. I want to Love You and serve You with 100% of my being.

Father God, You have been so good to me. Thank You for my awesome family. Thank You for my life. Every day is a blessing.

I give today to You, Jesus.

And I pray these things in Your Holy Name, Amen.

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