Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Why do I Blog...?

I originally started blogging this prayer journal as an intercessory activity for a church I was attending a little over three years ago. It's mainly about prayer, and lifting others up to the Lord.

Sometimes I blog about a scripture or sermon that has particularly spoken to me. But the main point is that I try to begin every single day spending time with God. And I've grown very accustomed to this routine. If for some reason I don't make time to spend with my savior first thing in the morning I almost assuredly have a 'bad' day.

This blog is meant to strengthen, encourage, minister to, and intercede for my brothers and sisters in Christ and also the lost.

This weekend Pastor Charles Stanley was on fire for the Gospel. He warned us that we live in an age where we know much more about the bible than those that came before us and that God is going to hold us accountable for the information that is out there...

Sometimes I feel close to God. Other times I feel far away... Lately I feel I've been drifting...

It's an ebb and flow..

Dear Heavenly Father... Lord I surrender this day to You. You are my King. I am in Your service. Lift me up Almighty Father. I want to know You, Lord. I want to be closer to You.

Bless me I pray, Oh God. Harness my anger. Keep me kind and gentle and patient.

Father God I love You and want to honor You in every way, in every aspect of my existence.

Thank You Father for being the Great Big God You are. I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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