Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lifting up Brother Kraft Again...

We've prayed for him before and I feel another burden by the holy spirit to lift up Brother Kraft again. Bob Kraft is a missionary in Hong Kong. He's a tennis professional and ministers to world class players on the mens and womens tour. His website is www.tennisministry.com. Pastor Kraft and his wife were recently blessed by the birth of a baby girl...!

I have never met Pastor Kraft in person but have corresponded with him several times via email. I do hope to meet him in person one day.

Today I want to pray specifically for his financial needs and how I might be able to use my contacts and resources to help fund his ministry in some way.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I stand in the gap for Pastor Kraft, his family, and his ministry today. Thank You for Pastor Kraft and the work he does to bring Your light into dark places. Father God, he is an inspiration to me.

I pray for Pastor Kraft to be blessed financially so that he might continue his work and reach more and more souls for You. Father God I believe that I have been called to make an impact on those in my profession as well. Perhaps I can help Pastor Kraft in some way.

That is also my prayer this morning, my King. Show me how can be most effective to influence those in my profession for the Kingdom.

Lord Jesus, I love You. I recognize You as my Lord and Savior and that I can accomplish nothing apart from You. Lord, I lean heavily on You today...!

I give this day to You for Your Glory and I pray these things in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, Amen...!

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