Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What is a Christian Life..?

Living a Christian life is more than just being 'good'...! Of course before I dive too far into this thought I need to state that the prerequisite for living a christian life is first being a christian.

That may sound kinda strange, but when I was a child I thought I was a Christian just because I went to church. And the church that I was raised in did not emphasize 'being saved', or accepting Jesus Christ as one's personal savior.

I was taught that I needed to be good to go to heaven. It wasn't until I was in college that I learned to trust in Jesus alone. Then, it was through my relationship with HIM that my life was transformed.

I have learned through years of study, trial and error, and just plain living that the Christian life is an expression of God's Grace rather than a check list of do's and don'ts. It is an overflow of God's grace. Christianity is about the freedom to enjoy the life God has given us, and freedom to share this truth with others.

And I'll repeat this again for emphasis: Unless you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, you have never experienced true freedom. I thought I was a Christian but found out that I wasn't.

Today I pray for the lost. I pray for the seekers. And I pray for the deceived.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord Jesus, as we enter in the Thanksgiving season I am taking inventory of my many blessings and am astounded at Your wonderful, incredible, grace and mercy. Father God, thank you so much for this life. Lord I want to make the most of it. Who knows how much time we have left in this existence...? You very well could take me home this morning and these are the last words I will ever type... That is always a possibility.

Lord help me to live in expectation of leaving this world. Help me to make every moment matter for eternal consequences. Lord, I want to live a Godly Christian life for your Glory and to model the changed life of a man who was once terribly lost.

Father help me to recognize opportunities that come before me to disciple seekers and for me to have kind, gentle interaction with the hurt and the lost.

Lord I pray that I am able to minister to everyone within my sphere of influence by living an authentic, Godly, Christian life. Lord, eternal security matters. And I want to help as many get into heaven as I can through influencing one life at a time.

I give this day to You, my King. I love You. And I pray these things in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, from whom all good things come, AMEN.

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