Friday, February 02, 2007

How's Your Schedule Today...?

I was listening to a sermon by the late Dr. Adrian Rogers this morning. He was preaching on blessings and how we spend our time and what we're doing with our lives. I only caught the last half of the sermon but I heard enough be greatly impacted by the Pastor's message.

He said everyone was given 24 hours in a day and that is more than enough time to get accomplished what God has ordained with our lives. If we seem to be running out of time every day then we have our priorities wrong. He suggested going to the Lord in Prayer and to get to work clearing out the clutter of our lives. -Oh that's something I've been trying to do for some time, now.

Now, I haven't had the opportunity to interview every great Christian who's inspired me over the years but I have noticed one common thread they all had in common. And that's been a relaxed countenance and general sense of calmness about them. Indeed, I've often thought that these men had an 'air' or 'presence' that can only be described as resting in Christ.

If they felt rushed, or were plagued with 'busyness' it certainly didn't appear that way. I know that my presence doesn't give off that air. Indeed, I've composed many a journal post lamenting how I'm plagued with 'busyness'. Yes, I've felt a steadily growing conviction to get my act together for some time now. I want every aspect of my day to point to Jesus Christ. I want everything I say, do, or think to be done for God's Glory.

But although I suppose I'm striving for perfection I realize that the bible says ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Yet, still I want to give my utmost for His Highest at all times.

This discussion is to be continued....

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You Lord for the message of Dr Rogers this morning. Thank You for his ministry that continues to bless others even though Dr Rogers has gone on to be with You.

Lord, I'm seeking that calmness, peace and serenity. I don't want to be busy any longer. Help me to rest in You. I love You Father. I give You thanks and praise and all the glory for ny life and accomplishments. I am nothing without You, my King.

Lord Jesus, I pray these hings in Your precious, holy name, Amen.

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