Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Prayer Habits...A True Story...!

The fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much....

Growing up I learned set, memorized prayers which I could recite in a monotone voice devoid of any feeling or emotion. After a time, I was encouraged to confess my sins to an adult whom I didn't know very well and then he told me I wasn't so bad, and assigned me a penance that comprised of reciting a number of the memorized prayers repeatedly and then, -Voila...! My sins were erased and I could go out and start sinning again with a clean slate...!

It seemed like a pretty good system at first, but it got old after awhile... We had one adult we had to confess to who was from China and no one could understand a word he said...! My parents weren't really into it, either. But occasionally as a family we would recite the same old tried and true meal blessing before a special dinner. However, most of the time we just dove right in to eating giving no thought to God or eternal matters what so ever. That routine continued right up into my freshman year of college.

Around that time I met a Godly family who took me under their wing and showed me what a personal relationship with the Lord looked like. When they prayed it was like they were speaking to a REAL person. They prayed publicly, and it didn't matter who was watching. They seemed to really know who they were praying to... God was like a part of their every day existence. -It was so different from what I was accustomed to. And I was completely drawn into that life-style.

I wanted to be able to speak to God like that. -To know him personally... -Like a friend. -A BEST friend...! My association with that family continued for some time and they just loved me and witnessed to me through their life style.

I ended up giving my life to Christ because of their witness. -Listening to their prayers really impacted me greatly. There were many times when they prayed for me right when I was in their presence. That was mostly during meal times. -It is such an awesome feeling when some one prays for you and you are right there to hear them speak to the Lord on your behalf...

They prayed all the time, -before every meal for sure. And many times they would just pray when ever they learned some information that seemed to require prayer. It was a tremendous witness.

I can honestly say it was the intercessory prayer habits of a Godly family that saved my life.

Prayer is so powerful. And the bible has much to say about prayer. And that's the core of what this website is about. I know I am all over the scale with topics and subject lines from one day to the next. Sometimes it doesn't seem as if there's continuity to what I write. But that's ok. That's just how the Holy Spirit works through me.

Remember back a few weeks ago I started an independent study of Proverbs...? I haven't forgotten about it... And we'll get back to it soon, I'm sure.

Father God, I want to thank You once again for the gift of prayer. My life was forever changed when I heard another believer pray an authentic, heart felt prayer to You on my behalf. Thank You for that man and tank You for his family. But Lord THANK YOU most of all for Your precious gift of salvation.

I love You, Lord and I give this day to You. I ask a special blessing on my precious wife today as she has had a difficult night and is operating on very little sleep or rest right now. I also lift up Connor who is struggling spiritually. Of course I lift up my sweet little baby, Elijah. He has been a little sick lately.

And as always I pray for sister and her family and my brothers, too.

Father God, I lift up all our family from Monica and Connor's side. They all have special needs Lord. And You are aware of every single one of them. You are such a Mighty, Awesome God. I worship and praise You my King. And I pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

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