Monday, February 05, 2007


Remember how I've been praying for God to use me to be an effective witness to those within my sphere of influence.?

Well, I was asked by one of the local youth ministers to give my testimony to a group of high schoolers from our local high school...

I stayed up until 2:30 this morning updating my testimony and practicing in front of a mirror. I gave my presentation at 7:30 this morning and I think it went well... The only problem was that I had to glance down at my notes too much. And the bell rang before I completed my presentation... But I've been invited to come back on Wednesday and complete my story...!

One thing that made it very special this morning was that Monica, Connor and Elijah came to be there with me.

I'm looking forward to really polishing my story and giving mywitness more often. I praise God for the opportunity I had this morning. I was blessed by it andI think it may have blessed others, too...

My sweet wife Monica gave a brief testimony in church this past Sunday morning, too. I praise God for her. She is such a strong inspiration to me... And she says I am the same for her... It's awesome that God brought us together and we work so well as a team together. My marriage is a great big blessing to me...

Friends, I ask that you please join Monica and I in prayer about a business venture we're considering. We've already had some encouragement in this regard but we're still in the prayer and planning stage of things. Lots needs to happen before we can move forward. We are definitely seeking God's will in this.... We need a miracle for something to happen, but the good news is that God's in the miracle business...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord You are Wonderful, Lord You are Marvelous...! You are everything to me. Thank You for being the great big God You are... Thank You for Blessing me with an awesome wife who loves You just like I do.

And Lord I can't thank You enough for blessing me with opportunity after opportunity to serve You and be a witness for Your Kingdom. This morning was great... And the block party also went great on Saturday, too. Thank You God....!

I love You Lord and Give You the Glory for every good thing in my life. Lord Monica and I want to be faithful and obedient to You. We want to be right in the center of Your will. We seek Your guidence in the matter of a business venture. We know what we'd like to see happen if we could have our wildest wish, but Lord we just want to serve You right where You have called us. We're just waiting on You, my King. We pray for these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

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