Friday, April 06, 2007

Still Focusing on Godly Qualities...

Over the course of this weekend I need to complete the remainder days three, four, and five of the study.

I have been thinking about the eight qualities of Good Character that are described by Christian author Henry Blackaby. The first quality Mr Blackaby discusses is 'Holiness'.

We know that Holiness means to be set apart and separate.

Isaiah 35.8 says:

...And a highway will be there and it will be called the way of holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that way; the wicked fools will not go about on it....

Let's try to figure out that statement. We know that a highway is a path of transportation that allows travellers to get to the end of their journey. I'm assuming that the travellers are trying to get from here (our lives on earth), to heaven.

Now, this highway has a name. It's called the 'way' of holiness. What's a 'way'...? I think in this statement it means a direction or path.

So let's paraphrase the first part of that scripture to see if the meaning becomes more clear.

...And the means to get travellers to their destination ( heaven) will be there and it will be called the path of being set apart, or separate....

Now it makes a little more sense to me.

But that verses goes on further to say that the Unclean will not journey on that highway. Obviously, the 'Unclean' are those who are of the world and not set apart to be holy. It goes on to refer those of the world as 'wicked fools'.

Those who are 'Unclean' are also 'Wicked Fools'. They are not set apart from the world. They ARE the world.

I like how Henry Blackaby explains this verse from Isaiah.

He says: God desires that your life and mine be that highway, the road over which others are drawn to Christ, the road which may bring revival to our land. But he says that none of that will happen unless we take our holiness seriously.

Mr Blackaby follows with this closing statement regarding holiness: It is spiritually impossible to have a heart in one condition but produce fruit of an opposite condition. The condition of your heart will affect your actions, and your actions will affect your heart.

Questions/Exercises.... How do you perceive your life...?

Question 1: Is your life more often a highway of holiness, or a stumbling block to others...?

Coach Sam says: I'm afraid I'm a little of 'both'. I'd like to think I'm a highway of holiness to most of the people I encounter, but I know far a fact that I am a stumbling block to some.

Question 2: When people look at my life, do they most often see the difference and value Christ makes in my life, or NO DIFFERENCE or value in being a Christian...?

Coach Sam says: When people look at my life I think they most often see that I am 'different'. I hope they see Christ in me and perceive value in that. It's often difficult to tell what another person is thinking. I'm working on becoming more bold in my faith. But I believe that if I'm too aggressive that I will turn people OFF to Christ, and I definitely don't want that to happen.

I know I need to just live my life in love and provoke others to jealousy. But I definitely need the Lord's help to pull that off consistently....!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, I do want to cultivate the eight characteristics of a Godly man. I want You to be able to use me fully for Your Kingdom Work. I know that's got to start with holiness. I want to be holy. I want to be set apart and separate from the rest of the world. Help me, Lord.

I want to honor You with every step of my day. Let my life's highway be a road that will draw others to You. Let my vine produce sweet fruit. Cleanse me. Purify me, Lord.

I can't believe all the blessings in my life. And I don't deserve them. But I do want to be worthy, of every good and perfect gift. Oh Lord I recognize that none of my success is from me. It's all from You. I am NOTHING apart from You my Savior...!

You are my Rock. You are my Strength. You are my Everything. Father God, I Love you.

I thank You for my precious family and all the opportunity You have provided for me here in West Columbia. Father I pray for all those within my sphere of influence. Lord, I pray especially for those to whom I may have been a stumbling block to in the past.

I give this day to You, my King. I will endeavor to live today to the fullest for Your Glory and I pray these things in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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