Monday, October 29, 2007

Paul Knew what he was talking about...

In closing his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul emphasized three aspects Christian living:

1. Devotion to prayer...

2. An attitude of gratefulness...

3. Thoughtful interaction with unbelievers...

He explained that we should make the most of opportunities to share our testimony. As Paul said, “Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6).

Paul had it right. Oh, if only I could live my life like that all the time...! I want that to be ME...!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord God I love You. And I am thankful for every moment, every breath of life. Yesterday Cere said that Holy Spirit was every breath of life we take. I totally believe that. If everyone believed that, this world would be way different than it is...

I am thankful. I have a grateful, joyous heart and am fired up to be part of the rescue effort to save the souls of men here in these last days.

Lord I do pray for many opportunities to share THE TRUTH of Your Love. Help me to be bold. Help me to be faithful and obedient. Let my light shine like a brilliant lamp stand.

Father God I give this day to You, for Your Glory. And I pray these things in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ,


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