Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Colossians 4:2.... Devote Yourselves to Prayer

Remember that family I mentioned in yesterday's post...? Well, I was eighteen years old and in the company of that family before I first heard an authentic prayer. It was a genuine, personal conversation with God. When I first heard this family pray I remember I was struck by the familiarity in which they prayed. They spoke to Jesus like they really knew Him. -And they did!

Prior to that, my only experience with prayer was stale, memorized prayers that were recited in monotone, devoid of any emotion or personality. I remember reciting those prayers by heart but not really having any idea what they were about or who I was really speaking to.

Colossions 4:2 says: 'Devote oneself to prayer, and keep an attitude of thanksgiving about it...' When I read that scripture I am reminded of that family who first showed me what prayer was all about. They were truly devoted to prayer. And they were thankful. Their prayers always included thanks. In fact, what really got my attention was that they always thanked God for my presence in their life.

They were a great source of inspiration and encouragement to me. They were the first people who ever witnessed to me.

Lord, today I lift up that dear sweet family: The Gerald Meyerdirk Family. Thank You for their faithful witness and for caring enough about me to lead me to You. I lift up Gary and his family to You Lord. Bless them where ever they are today, Father. I can't thank them personally, but I can certainly pay it forward and live the kind of life that was the example they lived out before me. -And I can devote myself to prayer like they did.

Thank You Lord for prayer. I love You Lord. And I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen!

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