Thursday, November 22, 2007

Two Ways To Look At Ourselves...

Isaiah 64:6... We are Unclean. Even the Best things we do are not worthy. Pretty depressing, huh? This is what the old testament says is the true nature of man and his actions.

Now I like how Dr Charles Stanley said it in his devotional this morning:

Of course, for the Christian, every day of the year should be a time of Thanksgiving. But on this holiday officially set aside for giving thanks, why not take the opportunity to reflect humbly on God’s countless blessings—of forgiveness, salvation, and life itself...? Let the day be a time when you truly commit to placing Him first in your lives. -Dr Charles Stanley

Here's what the New Testament says about us in Colossians 1:21-22....

Yes, we were terrible. But that was the 'old' self, the 'Former'.... Jesus died for as so we could be reconciled. In reconciliation we were made new. Now we can boldly approach the Throne of Grace!

I am grateful for many things. But Salvation is Number ONE at the top of the list!


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