Monday, December 31, 2007

Call To Service

Dr Stanley's devotional this morning really spoke to me. It was about the parable of the talents and the three servants in Matthew 25:14-20. I've heard that parable many many times. Up until now I've always thought that 'talents' were the form of currency at that time. And I only related that story to the wise use of money management. I finally understand the deeper meaning behind what a 'talent' is...

A 'talent' is not only money. It is any resource we have including our knowledge and ability.

I also now see the parallel to the 'day of accounting' when the Master came home in the story and the day The Lord Jesus will come in Glory to judge the living and the dead. The servants in the parable had to report how well they did with their talents. Two of them doubled or tripled the resources given them while one buried the resources he was given and had nothing of value to show his Master. In real life we all will have to give an accounting for how we lived our lives.

Wow... How could I not see the real meaning behind that parable before...? I feel super-convicted this morning...! I feel like the servant who buried his talent. There's so much more I could have and should have done with my life by now and so much I will do now that I see things more clearly.

Thank You Jesus for the parable of the servants and the talents. Lord I love You. Once again You have rescued me. You are all that I want. You're all I need. Bless You, Praise You Most Holy One. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN...!

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