Sunday, December 09, 2007

Isaiah 30:18 Waiting on God to Answer Prayer

Therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious unto you... Isaiah 30:18

The bible records many instances of people having to wait on God to answer prayer. There are people who prayed for healing, people who prayed to get pregnant, people who prayed for direction in their lives, and much more.

Sometimes God delays answering prayer for some reason or another. In Charles Spurgeon's devotional this morning, Spurgeon lists six reasons why God may wait to answer our prayers.

1. To remind us and everyone just who is in charge…
2. The greatest reason God withholds answered prayer is for our own good.
3. Waiting makes us appreciate the answer more when it does finally come.
4. We may be blocking God’s answer because of something wrong in our lives.
5. We are not fully trusting HIM but still relying on our own self too much.
6. Sometimes we must wait so that God’s Glory can be made more apparent.

Dr Charles Stanley delivered a similar message earlier this year. It's all very timely for me in particular because I am currently waiting on God's answer to prayer for some direction in my life right now...

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