Friday, December 07, 2007

Sneak Attack...

Today is Friday. I normally write about thankfulness and count blessings on Fridays but since today is December 7, I also want to commemorate the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. Many should be familiar with this event in history. It was an unprovoked sneak attack, and killed 2330 while wounding 1139 American servicemen and civilians. This atrocity committed sixty-six years ago unavoidably pulled the United States into world war II back in 1941.

I find it interesting that another 'sneak attack' is taking place today against America and Christendom all around the world. I'm speaking about the release of the movie Golden Compass. Many are completely unaware the impact this movie may have on the hearts, minds, souls, and futures of those who watch it. It is geared and marketed towards young people. My family was first warned about this movie by our Pastor at church. He recently referred us to this link on MSNBC.

Quite simply, it is based upon a series of books written by Philip Pullman, a noted Atheist. The movie was made to resemble the likes of the epic Chronicles of Narnia, except that the message is the antithesis of Narnia.

This topic is beginning to get lots of publicity now, and it just occurred to me that all the PR associated with this movie makes it a great witnessing tool... Since the public has such a familiarity with the movie Golden Compass, there has never been a better time to bring up the topic of spiritual matters to a someone.

Would you like some more encouragement or think you need more ammunition for such a conversation...?

My wife just posted an excellent article on her blog about the Golden Compass. Please check it out as she really put much thought and research into her post.

Friends, Philip Pullman is taking direct aim at destroying God in the minds and hearts of adults and children with this movie. I hope that you can see this movie for what it truly is and take appropriate action to defend and take a stand for what you believe in. Please don't keep your convictions to yourself on this one..!

The attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 took our country to war. I submit that any attack or assault against the tender, impressionable hearts and minds of our young people as more diabolical than what the Japanese did. Especially one of this magnitude. Golden Compass is just such an attack.

But how can a Christian counter attack the message of Golden Compass...?

Let's not picket or stage a public demonstration. Let's make it personal right back. If you agree that this movie is against God and Christianity then personally tell one person at a time the truth about this movie and it's author. Take that opportunity to share what Jesus has done in your life and how he is real to you. Wouldn't it be awesome if this movie started a revival in our land...?

It is my prayer this morning that Christians will stay away from this movie in droves, AND that they will tell everyone they come in contact with WHY they are not going to support the movie. Let's make the most of this opportunity to share our faith. Join me in prayer and take assertive action today.

God Bless America...!

-Coach Sam

1 comment:

KowKowCalqulator said...

The Golden Compass has def. got alot of publicity. There is debate over the movie vs the books. One thing for certain is that the author is a devout atheist who is going to promote his agenda and beliefs; just as C. S. Lewis does in his writings. While the movie may be more subtle;( The Enemy often IS subtle) it's still there and if the author can get people to read the books...even better. Use the movie as a spring board to discuss Jesus and contrast them. There is plenty out on the author. I know I will enjoy the next Chronicle of Narnia series movie.