Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Colossians 4:2.... Continue In Prayer

This verse was the topic of Charles Spurgeon's devotional this morning. He encouraged the reader that the 'motto for our entire year' to be Colossians 4:2. -I sure want that to be the case for me. But wait, there is a second half to that verse. We should continue in prayer, but how...? -Keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. We must be alert in our prayers to the Lord. The word 'alert' jumped out at me. Many times I am not 'alert' in my prayer time, especially during my evening prayer before bed. I'll find myself dosing and drifting off all the time. I wonder how that makes God feel when someone falls asleep right in the middle of a conversation with HIM...? Is HE being glorified when that happens...? The verse says we should pray with a 'Thankful Attitude'. We should be thankful because He is faithful to answer our prayers. And we need to pray with a thankful, expectant attitude. That's been my big problem. I've prayed with a 'hopeful' attitude. But it's an 'expectant' faith that gets results...!

Colossians 4:2 is a great verse for me to start the new year off with... I MUST continue in prayer first and foremost. Prayer is how I speak to God. But how does He speak back to me...? Well, through circumstances, and through the word of others, but primarily through HIS Sacred WORD, the BIBLE.

This week I am conducting an independent study of the book of James. The Author of James is believed to be James, the brother of Jesus. It's interesting to note that James did not believe Jesus was the Messiah until after Jesus' Resurrection... (I just thought I'd throw that in...)

I love the book of James. Here are just two verses from James that have significant meaning to me, and sort of tie in to what I have just written about.

...Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the WORD implanted which is able to save your souls. But prove yourselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves....

-James 1:21-22

Wow...! When I read that I thought: THAT's ME...! I am trying to put aside all the remains of negative attributes and take in the WORD to renew my mind and transform my life... AND I have most definitely been only a 'hearer' of the word instead of a 'doer' for most of my life...!

Praise the Lord that is all changing in 2008!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, You are Amazing...! You are Wonderful and Mighty. I love you, Lord. You have blessed me time and time again. You are working huge miracles in my life right this very moment! I am so grateful Lord. And I am most ready to be a doer today instead of merely a hearer...!

Thank You for the opportunities I may encounter later today. I pray that I will be a blessing to others in the course of my interaction with them. I lift up Monica, Connor, and Elijah today, my King. I give this day to You, Father.

And Lord I pray these things in Jesus' name, -Amen.

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