Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Hope That Is Within Us...

The Apostle Paul instructed us to always be prepared to give an account for the hope that lies within us.

Without direct help from the Lord, we would be a people without hope—we’d find the entrance to heaven closed and would face an eternity of separation from God. But the Father had a plan to deal with our corrupt nature so we could live with Him forever. He sent His Son as our willing substitute: Jesus took our sins on Himself and received the punishment we deserved. What we were helpless to do, Christ accomplished for us. Through faith in Him, we have assurance that we will live in God’s presence forever. Knowing we are heavenbound gives hope and meaning to our lives. Let’s tell others about Jesus, the source of our hope.

Dr Charles Stanley, Early Light Devotional -January 2008

I really like how Dr Stanley finished his thought with an encouragement for we Believers to share with others about our relationship with Jesus. That's something I've been struggling with for some time.

It's easy to write about it. I can be very bold in the blogsphere. Right now I'm sitting in my comfortable chair in my quiet place safe and secure. But out in the world in a one on one situation with a non believer is an entirely different matter all together. Oh I have faced many an opportunity and not turned the conversation to one of spiritual matters because of fear.

Fear of what? I don't know, exactly. Fear of rejection, maybe. Fear of not knowing enough about the topic. I think it's a combination of the two. And then there's the fear of conflict. What if someone disagrees with me...? What if they get angry and want to argue? I'm definitely not good with that.

Aaagh... I'm such an excuse maker. As I write this I am reminded of Moses in the old testament. He had all kinds of excuses and reasons for why he didn't want to speak for God, didn't he...? But God supplied his needs and so He will supply my needs. I've got to get to get beyond my fear of sharing the Hope that is within me.

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