Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Zephaniah: A Happy Ending Revealed for Believers in 3:17

OK, today I have a lot more to report. The name 'Zephaniah' means 'Hidden' or 'Yahweh Hides'. Several commentaries agreed that his name implies that as a child the prophet was most likely hidden to keep him safe from harm during the reign of the Evil King Manasseh and his atrocities.

God's message to Zephaniah revealed that a very harsh judgement was about to come upon Judah and rest of the world. Like Habakkuk, he preached repentance to a largely unrepentant, hostile audience.

Zephaniah has three chapters. In the first two chapters the prophet is adamant about God's judgement and the destruction of the world along with the removal of all the unjust. But in the latter part of chapter three he focuses on what happens after the judgement and he reveals that the meek, humble, and righteous will be spared in 3:17.

The Lord Your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. -Zephaniah 3:17

This is one of God's many promises. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is always by our side. He will Save us. Promises like these enable us to endure in our faith during hard times.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord, help me to be meek, humble, and righteous. Father Your Kingdom is at hand and so many are completely unaware of history and prophecy unfolding right before them. Father You have called Your people to be faithful. You have called Your people to be lights in the darkness. We are called to go on a search and rescue mission to save the perishing all around us. The sad fact is that many do not want to be saved. But some do, and some can be persuaded. But that will only happen if Your people get out there and actively engage this society we live in with our gifts and talents that You have blessed us with for service.

Father God, I love You. You have given me everything. You ARE everything to me. Help me to act out Ephesians 6:7 (to do everything I do as if I'm doing it for You, not man.)

Lord I just want to be faithful to You. Lift me up Lord. You are the Master of my Life. I give it all to You my King. You are wonderful. You are Mighty and Glorious. You are God.

Bless me Father. Bless my family. Bless our finances and help us to be the perfect stewards of the wealth You have provided us with. Lord I want to honor You in every way. Help me to be a bold witness in those sticky situations that come up. I trust You, Lord. I Believe in You. I never have a reason to give up.... Thank You, Praise You, Jesus.

And I pray these things in Your precious, holy name. Amen.

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