Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good Advice... Col 3:2

Last night I let a minor family incident get the best of me.. The result was my getting angry, dwelling on negative thoughts and alienating myself for the rest of the evening.

Colossians 3:2 says: Set your mind on the things from above, not earthly things.

I think the key issue for me is 'the dwelling on the negative'. I've got to learn to deal decisively with situations and 'move on'. I definitely need to memorize Col 3:2.

Think of the implications of that verse. If we don't set our minds on heavenly things then what are we probably setting our minds to?
Earthly Things.

In looking at cross references to Colossians 3:2, I came across Phillipians 3:18-19. These verses explain what it looks like to dwell on earthly things/thoughts.

...Many are enemies of the cross, whose end is destruction, whose God is their appetite, and whose glory is their shame, those who set their minds on earthly things...

Who wants to be an enemy of the cross or end in destruction and shame?

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