Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More on the Holy Spirit...

I've been reading the Book of Acts lately and it's just one story after another about the power of the Holy Spirit manifesting itself in the lives of believers. There are endless accounts of healings, casting out evil spirits, raising the dead, and more.

Dr Stanley's morning devotional discussed the power of the Holy Spirit as well...

The strength that we need during trials is available through Jesus Christ, whose supernatural energy flows through every believer’s mind, body, and spirit. How does this happen? John 14:17 says when someone receives Jesus as Savior, His Spirit comes to live inside the new believer. As a result of this “indwelling,” the power that Christ demonstrated while on earth prevails in those who now call upon Him for aid. However, for us to access His supernatural strength, we must trust His promise to supply what we need when we need it. As long as we attempt to muddle through using our own abilities, we will prevent His Spirit from unleashing divine help.Jesus Christ’s power is unleashed in our life when we acknowledge our helplessness. The effect is immediate. As soon as we surrender to the Lord, His might is working inside us so we can endure hardship while maintaining our joy and peace. -Dr Charles

I keep seeing it so clearly... My problem is trying to do too much under my own power. I don't always give God an opportunity to take over. Well, I suppose that the more keenly aware I am about the problem then the closer I'll be to over-coming it.

'Surrender to the Hopelessness...'

Pastor Cere was speaking of exactly that a few days ago. He reminded us that when Paul and Silas were imprisoned in a Phillipian jail that at about midnight they were singing songs of worship and praise. Cere asked us if we knew why they were doing that...? He explained it was because their situation was so hopeless that God was the only person they could turn to.

-And guess what happened...?

The Bible records that their chains just fell off them and they were free... Gives you goose bumps, doesn't it...?

Friends, I confess. I need to work on my faith. I need to work on surrendering things to God. There is absolutely no reason why the Holy Spirit can't work in our lives today like he did in Paul's time.... Except that our (my) faith is not strong enough....!

We're all watching the world get crazier and crazier by the moment. Every day across the globe situations and circumstances escalate to new heights of hopelessness. I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to rain down on my family and I.

-And You too, Dear Reader.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I keep hearing the same message over and over. I keep seeing the signs of the times all pointing to the same thing. Father I am trying to get Your Word in me like never before. I love You Lord. I surrender to You. I know you will help me sort out my over booked schedule. I know that You will provide the resources for my family to survive in these absolutely crazy times that are ahead.

Father God I give it all to You. I stand tall and strong in You. You would have me pour myself into the lives of those around me; my family, friends, my tennis students, co-workers, everyone within my sphere of influence. Lord I heed Your Call. I trust in you, Jesus.

Lord I ask special blessings on my wife today. Lift her up, Father. Bless her, my King. Help her accomplish all she sets out to do today and more. I pray that we both operate in the power of the Holy Spirit today. Father God I give today to you. And I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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